Field Hockey

The game screen appears here if your browser supports the Canvas API.

Original Python code

import pgzero, pgzrun, pygame
import math, sys, random
from enum import Enum
from pygame.math import Vector2

# Check Python version number. sys.version_info gives version as a tuple, e.g. if (3,7,2,'final',0) for version 3.7.2.
# Unlike many languages, Python can compare two tuples in the same way that you can compare numbers.
if sys.version_info < (3,5):
    print("This game requires at least version 3.5 of Python. Please download it from")

# Check Pygame Zero version. This is a bit trickier because Pygame Zero only lets us get its version number as a string.
# So we have to split the string into a list, using '.' as the character to split on. We convert each element of the
# version number into an integer - but only if the string contains numbers and nothing else, because it's possible for
# a component of the version to contain letters as well as numbers (e.g. '2.0.dev0')
# We're using a Python feature called list comprehension - this is explained in the Bubble Bobble/Cavern chapter.
pgzero_version = [int(s) if s.isnumeric() else s for s in pgzero.__version__.split('.')]
if pgzero_version < [1,2]:
    print("This game requires at least version 1.2 of Pygame Zero. You have version {0}. Please upgrade using the command 'pip3 install --upgrade pgzero'".format(pgzero.__version__))

WIDTH = 800
HEIGHT = 480
TITLE = "Field Hockey"


# Size of level, including both the pitch and the boundary surrounding it
LEVEL_W = 1000
LEVEL_H = 1400




                 HALF_LEVEL_H + HALF_PITCH_H + GOAL_DEPTH)



PLAYER_START_POS = [(350, 550), (650, 450), (200, 850), (500, 750), (800, 950), (350, 1250), (650, 1150)]



# Speeds for players in various situations. Speeds including 'BASE' can be boosted by the speed_boost difficulty
# setting (only for players on a computer-controlled team)


class Difficulty:
    def __init__(self, goalie_enabled, second_lead_enabled, speed_boost, holdoff_timer):
        self.goalie_enabled = goalie_enabled

        # When a player has the ball, either one or two players will be chosen from the other team to try to intercept
        # the ball owner. Those players will have their 'lead' attributes set to a number indicating how far ahead of the
        # ball they should try to run. (If they tried to go to where the ball is currently, they'd always trail behind)
        # This attribute determines whether there should be one or two lead players
        self.second_lead_enabled = second_lead_enabled

        # Speed boost to apply to CPU-team players in certain circumstances
        self.speed_boost = speed_boost

        # Hold-off timer limits rate at which computer-controlled players can pass the ball
        self.holdoff_timer = holdoff_timer

DIFFICULTY = [Difficulty(False, False, 0, 120), Difficulty(False, True, 0.1, 90), Difficulty(True, True, 0.2, 60)]

# Custom sine/cosine functions for angles of 0 to 7, where 0 is up,
# 1 is up+right, 2 is right, etc.
def sin(x):
    return math.sin(x*math.pi/4)

def cos(x):
    return sin(x+2)

# Convert a vector to an angle in the range 0 to 7
def vec_to_angle(vec):
    # todo explain a bit
    return int(4 * math.atan2(vec.x, -vec.y) / math.pi + 8.5) % 8

# Convert an angle  in the range 0 to 7 to a direction vector. We use -cos rather than cos as increasing angles move
# in a clockwise rather than the usual anti-clockwise direction.
def angle_to_vec(angle):
    return Vector2(sin(angle), -cos(angle))

# Used when calling functions such as sorted and min.
# todo explain more
# p.vpos - pos results in a Vector2 which we can get the length of, giving us
# the distance between pos and p.vpos
def dist_key(pos):
    return lambda p: (p.vpos - pos).length()

# Turn a vector into a unit vector - i.e. a vector with length 1
# We also return the original length, before normalisation.
# We check for zero length, as trying to normalise a zero-length vector results in an error
def safe_normalise(vec):
    length = vec.length()
    if length == 0:
        return Vector2(0,0), 0
        return vec.normalize(), length

# The MyActor class extends Pygame Zero's Actor class by providing the attribute 'vpos', which stores the object's
# current position using Pygame's Vector2 class. All code should change or read the position via vpos, as opposed to
# Actor's x/y or pos attributes. When the object is drawn, we set self.pos (equivalent to setting both self.x and
# self.y) based on vpos, but taking scrolling into account.
class MyActor(Actor):
    def __init__(self, img, x=0, y=0, anchor=None):
        super().__init__(img, (0, 0), anchor=anchor)
        self.vpos = Vector2(x, y)

    # We draw with the supplied offset to enable scrolling
    def draw(self, offset_x, offset_y):
        # Set Actor's screen pos
        self.pos = (self.vpos.x - offset_x, self.vpos.y - offset_y)

# Ball physics model parameters
DRAG = 0.98

# ball physics for one axis
def ball_physics(pos, vel, bounds):
    # Add velocity to position
    pos += vel

    # Check if ball is out of bounds, and bounce if so
    if pos < bounds[0] or pos > bounds[1]:
        pos, vel = pos - vel, -vel

    # Return new position and velocity, applying drag
    return pos, vel * DRAG

# Work out number of physics steps for ball to travel given distance
def steps(distance):
    # Initialize step count and initial velocity
    steps, vel = 0, KICK_STRENGTH

    # Run physics until distance reached or ball is nearly stopped
    while distance > 0 and vel > 0.25:
        distance, steps, vel = distance - vel, steps + 1, vel * DRAG

    return steps

class Goal(MyActor):
    def __init__(self, team):
        x = HALF_LEVEL_W
        y = 0 if team == 0 else LEVEL_H
        super().__init__("field_hockey_goal" + str(team), x, y) = team

    def active(self):
        # Is ball within 500 pixels on the Y axis?
        return abs(game.ball.vpos.y - self.vpos.y) < 500

# Calculate if player 'target' is a good target for a pass from player 'source'
# target can also be a goal
def targetable(target, source):
    # Find normalised (unit) vector v0 and distance d0 from source to target
    v0, d0 = safe_normalise(target.vpos - source.vpos)

    # If source player is on a computer-controlled team, avoid passes which are likely to be intercepted
    # (If source is player-controlled, that's the player's job)
    if not game.teams[].human():
        # For each player p
        for p in game.players:
            # Find normalised vector v1 and distance d1 from source to p
            v1, d1 = safe_normalise(p.vpos - source.vpos)

            # If p is on the other team, and between source and target, and at a similiar
            # angular position, target is not a good target
            # Multiplying two vectors together invokes an operation known as dot product. It is calculated by
            # multiplying the X components of each vector, then multiplying the Y components, then adding the two
            # resulting numbers. When each of the input vectors is a unit vector (i.e. with a length of 1, as returned
            # from the safe_normalise function), the result of which is a number between -1 and 1. In this case we use
            # the result to determine whether player 'p' (vector v1) is in roughly the same direction as player 'target'
            # (vector v0), from the point of view of player 'source'.
            if != and d1 > 0 and d1 < d0 and v0*v1 > 0.8:
                return False

    # If target is on the same team, and ahead of source, and not too far away, and source is facing
    # approximately towards target (another dot product operation), then target is a good target.
    # The dot product operation (multiplying two unit vectors) is used to determine whether (and to what extent) the
    # source player is facing towards the target player. A value of 1 means target is directly ahead of source; -1
    # means they are directly behind; 0 means they are directly to the left or right.
    # See above for more explanation of dot product
    return == and d0 > 0 and d0 < 300 and v0 * angle_to_vec(source.dir) > 0.8

# Get average of two numbers; if the difference between the two is less than 1,
# snap to the second number. Used in Ball.update()
def avg(a, b):
    return b if abs(b-a) < 1 else (a+b)/2

def on_pitch(x, y):
    # Only used when dribbling
    return PITCH_RECT.collidepoint(x,y) \
           or GOAL_0_RECT.collidepoint(x,y) \
           or GOAL_1_RECT.collidepoint(x,y)

class Ball(MyActor):
    def __init__(self):
        super().__init__("ball", HALF_LEVEL_W, HALF_LEVEL_H)

        # Velocity
        self.vel = Vector2(0, 0)

        self.owner = None
        self.timer = 0

        self.shadow = MyActor("balls")

    # Check for collision with player p
    def collide(self, p):
        # The ball collides with p if p's hold-off timer has expired
        # and it is DRIBBLE_DIST_X or fewer pixels away
        return p.timer < 0 and (p.vpos - self.vpos).length() <= DRIBBLE_DIST_X

    def update(self):
        self.timer -= 1

        # If the ball has an owner, it's being dribbled, so its position is
        # based on its owner's position
        if self.owner:
            # Calculate new ball position for dribbling
            # Our target position will be a point just ahead of our owner. However, we don't want to just snap to that
            # position straight away. We want to transition to it over several frames, so we take the average of our
            # current position and the target position. We also use slightly different offsets for the X and Y axes,
            # to reflect that that the game's perspective is not completely top-down - so the positions the ball can
            # take in relation to the player should form an ellipse instead of a circle.
            # todo explain maths
            new_x = avg(self.vpos.x, self.owner.vpos.x + DRIBBLE_DIST_X * sin(self.owner.dir))
            new_y = avg(self.vpos.y, self.owner.vpos.y - DRIBBLE_DIST_Y * cos(self.owner.dir))

            if on_pitch(new_x, new_y):
                # New position is on the pitch, so update
                self.vpos = Vector2(new_x, new_y)
                # New position is off the pitch, so player loses the ball
                # Set hold-off timer so player can't immediately reacquire the ball
                self.owner.timer = 60

                # Give ball small velocity in player's direction of travel
                self.vel = angle_to_vec(self.owner.dir) * 3

                # Un-set owner
                self.owner = None
            # Run physics, one axis at a time

            # If ball is vertically inside the goal, it can only go as far as the
            # sides of the goal - otherwise it can go all the way to the sides of
            # the pitch
            if abs(self.vpos.y - HALF_LEVEL_H) > HALF_PITCH_H:
                bounds_x = GOAL_BOUNDS_X
                bounds_x = PITCH_BOUNDS_X

            # If ball is horizontally inside the goal, it can go all the way to
            # the back of the net - otherwise it can only go up to the end of
            # the pitch
            if abs(self.vpos.x - HALF_LEVEL_W) < HALF_GOAL_W:
                bounds_y = GOAL_BOUNDS_Y
                bounds_y = PITCH_BOUNDS_Y

            self.vpos.x, self.vel.x = ball_physics(self.vpos.x, self.vel.x, bounds_x)
            self.vpos.y, self.vel.y = ball_physics(self.vpos.y, self.vel.y, bounds_y)

        # Update shadow position to track ball
        self.shadow.vpos = Vector2(self.vpos)

        # Search for a player that can acquire the ball
        for target in game.players:
            # A player can acquire the ball if the ball has no owner, or the player is on the other team
            # from the owner, and collides with the ball
            if (not self.owner or != and self.collide(target):
                if self.owner:
                    # New player is taking the ball from previous owner
                    # Set hold-off timer so previous owner can't immediately reacquire the ball
                    self.owner.timer = 60

                # Set hold-off timer (dependent on difficulty) to limit rate at which
                # computer-controlled players can pass the ball
                self.timer = game.difficulty.holdoff_timer

                # Update owner, and controllable player for player's team, to player
                game.teams[].active_control_player = self.owner = target

        # If the ball has an owner, it's time to decide whether to kick it
        if self.owner:
            team = game.teams[]

            # Find the closest targetable player or goal (could be None)
            # First we create a list of all players/goals which can be targeted
            targetable_players = [p for p in game.players + game.goals if == and targetable(p, self.owner)]

            if len(targetable_players) > 0:
                # Choose the nearest one
                # dist_key returns a function which gets the distance of the ball owner from whichever player or goal (p)
                # the sorted function is currently assessing
                target = min(targetable_players, key=dist_key(self.owner.vpos))
                game.debug_shoot_target = target.vpos
                target = None

            if team.human():
                # If the owner is player-controlled, we kick if the player hits their kick key
                do_shoot = team.controls.shoot()
                # If the owner is computer-controlled, we kick if the ball's hold-off timer has expired
                # and there is a targetable player or goal, and the targetable player or goal is in a more
                # favourable location (according to cost()) than the owner's location
                do_shoot = self.timer <= 0 and target and cost(target.vpos, < cost(self.owner.vpos,

            if do_shoot:
                # play a random kick effect
                game.play_sound("kick", 4)

                if target:
                    # If there is a targetable player or goal, kick towards it

                    # If the owner is player-controlled, we assume the player will continue to hold the same direction
                    # keys down after the pass, so the target  will start moving in the same direction as the
                    # current owner; on this assumption, we will kick the ball slightly ahead of the target player's
                    # current position,  through a process of iterative refinement

                    # If the owner is computer-controlled, or the target is a goal, we only execute the loop once and
                    # so do not apply lead, as there are no keys being held down and goals don't move.

                    r = 0

                    # Decide how many times we're going to go through the loop - the more times, the more accurate
                    iterations = 8 if team.human() and isinstance(target, Player) else 1

                    for i in range(iterations):
                        # In the first loop, t will simply be the position of the targeted player or goal.
                        # In subsequent loops (if there are any), it will represent a position which is at the
                        # target's feet plus a bit further in whichever direction the player is currently pressing.
                        t = target.vpos + angle_to_vec(self.owner.dir) * r

                        # Get direction vector and distance between target pos and us
                        vec, length = safe_normalise(t - self.vpos)

                        # The steps function works out the number of physics steps the ball will take to travel
                        # the given distance
                        # todo r
                        r = HUMAN_PLAYER_WITHOUT_BALL_SPEED * steps(length)
                    # We're not targeting a player or goal, so just kick the ball straight ahead

                    # Get direction vector
                    vec = angle_to_vec(self.owner.dir)

                    # Make a rough guess at which player the ball might end up closest to so, we can set them as the new
                    # active player. Pick a point 250 pixels ahead and find the nearest player to that.
                    target = min([p for p in game.players if ==],
                                 key=dist_key(self.vpos + (vec * 250)))

                if isinstance(target, Player):
                    # If we just kicked the ball towards a player, make that player the new active player for this team
                    game.teams[].active_control_player = target

                self.owner.timer = 10  # Owner can't regain the ball for at least 10 frames

                # Set velocity
                self.vel = vec * KICK_STRENGTH

                # We no longer have an owner
                self.owner = None

# Return True if the given position is inside the level area, otherwise False
# Takes the goals into account so you can't run through them
def allow_movement(x, y):
    if abs(x - HALF_LEVEL_W) > HALF_LEVEL_W:
        # Trying to walk off the left or right side of the level
        return False

    elif abs(x - HALF_LEVEL_W) < HALF_GOAL_W + 20:
        # Player is within the bounds of the goals on the X axis, don't let them walk into, through or behind the goal
        # +20 takes with of player sprite into account
        return abs(y - HALF_LEVEL_H) < HALF_PITCH_H

        # Player is outside the bounds of the goals on the X axis, so they can walk off the pitch and to the edge
        # of the level
        return abs(y - HALF_LEVEL_H) < HALF_LEVEL_H

# Generate a score for a given position, where lower numbers are considered to be better.
# This is called when a computer-controlled player with the ball is working out which direction to run in, or whether
# to pass the ball to another player, or kick it into the goal.
# Several things make up the final score:
# - the distance to our own goal - further away is better
# - the proximity of players on the other team - we want to get the ball away from them as much as possible
# - a quadratic equation (don't panic too much!) causing the player to favour the centre of the pitch and their opponents goal
# - an optional handicap value which can bias the result towards or away from a particular position
def cost(pos, team, handicap=0):
    # Get pos of our own goal. We do it this way rather than getting the pos of the actual goal object
    # because this way gives us the pos of the goal's entrance, whereas the actual goal sprites are not anchored based
    # on the entrances.
    own_goal_pos = Vector2(HALF_LEVEL_W, (AI_MIN_Y - GOAL_DEPTH) if team == 1 else (AI_MAX_Y + GOAL_DEPTH))
    inverse_own_goal_distance = 3500 / (pos - own_goal_pos).length()

    result = inverse_own_goal_distance \
            + sum([4000 / max(24, (p.vpos - pos).length()) for p in game.players if != team]) \
            + ((pos.x - HALF_LEVEL_W)**2 / 200 \
            - pos.y * (4 * team - 2)) \
            + handicap

    return result, pos

class Player(MyActor):
    ANCHOR = (25,37)

    def __init__(self, x, y, team):
        # Player objects are recreated each time there is a kickoff
        # Team will be 0 or 1
        # The x and y values supplied represent our 'home' position - the place we'll return to by default when not near
        # the ball. However, on creation, we want players to be in their kickoff positions, which means all players from
        # team 0 will be below the halfway line, and players from team 1 above. The player chosen to actually do the
        # kickoff is moved to be alongside the centre spot after the player objects have been created.

        # Calculate our initial position for kickoff by halving y, adding 550 and then subtracting either 400 for
        # team 1, or nothing for team 0
        kickoff_y = (y / 2) + 550 - (team * 400)

        # Call the constructor of the parent class (MyActor)
        super().__init__("blank", x, kickoff_y, Player.ANCHOR)

        # Remember home position, where we'll stand by default if we're not active (i.e. far from the ball)
        self.home = Vector2(x, y)

        # Store team = team

        # Facing direction: 0 = up, 1 = top right, up to 7 = top left
        self.dir = 0

        # Animation frame
        self.anim_frame = -1

        self.timer = 0

        self.shadow = MyActor("blank", 0, 0, Player.ANCHOR)

        # Used when DEBUG_SHOW_TARGETS is on
        self.debug_target = Vector2(0, 0)

    def active(self):
        # Is ball within 400 pixels on the Y axis? If so I'll be considered active, meaning I'm currently doing
        # something useful in the game like trying to get the ball. If I'm not active, I'll either mark another player,
        # or just stay at my home position
        return abs(game.ball.vpos.y - self.home.y) < 400

    def update(self):
        # decrement holdoff timer
        self.timer -= 1

        # One of the main jobs of this method is to decide where the player will run to, and at what speed.
        # The default is to run slowly towards home position, but target and speed may be overwritten in the code below
        target = Vector2(self.home)       # Take a copy of home position
        speed = PLAYER_DEFAULT_SPEED

        # Some shorthand variables to make the code below a bit easier to follow
        my_team = game.teams[]
        pre_kickoff = game.kickoff_player != None
        i_am_kickoff_player = self == game.kickoff_player
        ball = game.ball

        if self == game.teams[].active_control_player and my_team.human() and (not pre_kickoff or i_am_kickoff_player):
            # This player is the currently active player for its team, and is player-controlled, and either we're not
            # currently waiting for kickoff, or this player is the designated kickoff player.
            # The last part of the condition ensures that in a 2 player game, player 2 can't make their active player
            # run around while waiting for player 1 to do the kickoff (and vice versa)

            # A player with the ball runs slightly more slowly than one without
            if ball.owner == self:
                speed = HUMAN_PLAYER_WITH_BALL_SPEED
                speed = HUMAN_PLAYER_WITHOUT_BALL_SPEED

            # Find target by calling the controller for the player's team todo comment
            target = self.vpos + my_team.controls.move(speed)

        elif ball.owner != None:
            # Someone has the ball - is it me?
            if ball.owner == self:
                # We are the owner, and are computer-controlled (otherwise we would have taken the other arm
                # of the top-level if statement)

                # Evaluate five positions (left 90, left 45, ahead, right 45, right 90)
                # target is the one with the lowest value of cost()
                # List comprehension steps through the angles: -2 to 2, where 0 is up, 1 is up & right, etc
                # For each angle 'd', we call the cost function with a position, which is 3 pixels from the
                # current position, if the player were to move in the direction of d. We also pass cost() our team number.
                # The last parameter, abs(d), introduces a tendency for the player to continue running forward. Try
                # multiplying it by 3 or 4 to see what happens!

                # First, create a list of costs for each of the 5 tested positions - a lower number is better. Each
                # element is a tuple containing the cost and the position that cost relates to.
                costs = [cost(self.vpos + angle_to_vec(self.dir + d) * 3,, abs(d)) for d in range(-2, 3)]

                # Then choose the element with the lowest cost. We use min() to find the element with the lowest value.
                # min uses < to compare pairs of elements. Each element of costs is a tuple with two elements (a cost
                # value and the target position). When comparing a pair of tuples using <, Python first compares the
                # first element of each tuple. If they're different, that's what determines which tuple is considered to
                # have a lower value. If they're the same, Python moves on to looking at the next element. However, this
                # can lead to a crash in this case as the target position is an instance of the Vector2 class, which
                # does not support comparisons using <. In practice it's rare for two positions to have the same cost
                # value, but it's nevertheless prudent to eliminate the risk. The solution we chosen is to use the
                # optional 'key' parameter for min, telling the function to only use the first element of each tuple
                # for the comparisons.
                # When min finds the tuple with the minimum cost value, we extract the target pos (which is what we
                # actually care about) and discard the actual cost value - hence the '_' dummy variable
                _, target = min(costs, key=lambda element: element[0])

                # speed depends on difficulty
                speed = CPU_PLAYER_WITH_BALL_BASE_SPEED + game.difficulty.speed_boost

            elif ==
                # Ball is owned by another player on our team
                    # If I'm near enough to the ball, try to run somewhere useful, and unique to this player - we
                    # don't want all players running to the same place. Target is halfway between home and a point
                    # 400 pixels ahead of the ball. Team 0 are trying to score in the goal at the top of the
                    # pitch, team 1 the goal at the bottom
                    direction = -1 if == 0 else 1
                    target.x = (ball.vpos.x + target.x) / 2
                    target.y = (ball.vpos.y + 400 * direction + target.y) / 2
                # If we're not active, we'll do the default action of moving towards our home position
                # Ball is owned by a player on the opposite team
                if self.lead is not None:
                    # We are one of the players chosen to pursue the owner

                    # Target a position in front of the ball's owner, the distance based on the value of lead, while
                    # making sure we keep just inside the pitch
                    target = ball.owner.vpos + angle_to_vec(ball.owner.dir) * self.lead

                    # Stay on the pitch
                    target.x = max(AI_MIN_X, min(AI_MAX_X, target.x))
                    target.y = max(AI_MIN_Y, min(AI_MAX_Y, target.y))

                    other_team = 1 if == 0 else 0
                    speed = LEAD_PLAYER_BASE_SPEED
                    if game.teams[other_team].human():
                        speed += game.difficulty.speed_boost

                    # The player or goal we've been chosen to mark is active

                    if my_team.human():
                        # If I'm on a human team, just run towards the ball.
                        # We don't do the marking behaviour below for human teams for a number of reasons. Try changing
                        # the code to see how the game feels when marking behaviour applies to both human and computer
                        # teams.
                        target = Vector2(ball.vpos)
                        # Get vector between the ball and whatever we're marking
                        vec, length = safe_normalise(ball.vpos - self.mark.vpos)

                        # Alter length to choose a position in between the ball and whatever we're marking
                        # We don't apply this behaviour for human teams - in that case we just run straight at the ball
                        if isinstance(self.mark, Goal):
                            # If I'm currently the goalie, get in between the ball and goal, and don't get too far
                            # from the goal
                            length = min(150, length)
                            # Otherwise, just get halfway between the ball and whoever I'm marking
                            length /= 2

                        target = self.mark.vpos + vec * length
            # No-one has the ball

            # If we're pre-kickoff and I'm the kickoff player, OR if we're not pre-kickoff and I'm active
            if (pre_kickoff and i_am_kickoff_player) or (not pre_kickoff and
                # Try to intercept the ball
                # Deciding where to go to achieve this is harder than you might think. You can't target the ball's
                # current location, because (assuming it's moving) by the time you get there it'll have moved on, so
                # you'll always be trailing behind it. And you can't target where it's going to end up after rolling to
                # a halt, because you might end up getting there before it and just be standing around waiting for it to
                # get there. What we want to do is find a target which allows us to intercept the ball along its path in
                # the minimum possible time and distance.
                # The code below simulates the ball's movement over a series of frames, working out where it would be
                # after each frame. We also work out how far the player could have moved at each frame, and whether
                # that distance would be enough to reach the currently simulated location of the ball.
                target = Vector2(ball.vpos)     # current simulated location of ball
                vel = Vector2(ball.vel)         # ball velocity - slows down each frame due to friction
                frame = 0

                # DRIBBLE_DIST_X is the distance at which a player can gain control of the ball.
                # vel.length() > 0.5 ensures we don't keep simulating frames for longer than necessary - once the ball
                # is moving that slowly, it's not going to move much further, so there's no point in simulating dozens
                # more frames of very tiny movements. If you experience a decreased frame rate when no one has the ball,
                # try increasing 0.5 to a higher number.
                while (target - self.vpos).length() > PLAYER_INTERCEPT_BALL_SPEED * frame + DRIBBLE_DIST_X and vel.length() > 0.5:
                    target += vel
                    vel *= DRAG
                    frame += 1

                speed = PLAYER_INTERCEPT_BALL_SPEED

            elif pre_kickoff:
                # Waiting for kick-off, but we're not the kickoff player
                # Just stay where we are. Without this we'd run to our home position, but that is different from
                # our position at kickoff (where all players are on their team's side of the pitch)
                target.y = self.vpos.y

        # Get direction vector and distance beteen current pos and target pos
        # vec[0] and vec[1] will be the x and y components of the vector
        vec, distance = safe_normalise(target - self.vpos)

        self.debug_target = Vector2(target)

        # Check to see if we're already at the target position
        if distance > 0:
            # Limit movement to our max speed
            distance = min(distance, speed)

            # Set facing direction based on the direction we're moving
            target_dir = vec_to_angle(vec)

            # Update the x and y components of the player's position - but don't allow them to go off the edge of the
            # level. Processing the x and y components separately allows the player to slide along the edge when trying
            # to move diagonally off the edge of the level.
            if allow_movement(self.vpos.x + vec.x * distance, self.vpos.y):
                self.vpos.x += vec.x * distance
            if allow_movement(self.vpos.x, self.vpos.y + vec.y * distance):
                self.vpos.y += vec.y * distance

            # todo
            self.anim_frame = (self.anim_frame + max(distance, 1.5)) % 72
            # Already at target position - just turn to face the ball
            target_dir = vec_to_angle(ball.vpos - self.vpos)
            self.anim_frame = -1

        # Update facing direction - each frame, move one step towards the target direction
        # This code essentially says that if the target direction is the same as the current direction, there should
        # be no change; if target is between 1 and 4 steps clockwise from current, we should rotate one step clockwise,
        # and if it's between 1 and 3 steps anticlockwise (which can also be thought of as 5 to 7 steps clockwise), we
        # should rotate one step anticlockwise - which is equivalent to stepping 7 steps clockwise
        dir_diff = (target_dir - self.dir)
        self.dir = (self.dir + [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 7, 7, 7][dir_diff % 8]) % 8

        suffix = str(self.dir) + str((int(self.anim_frame) // 18) + 1) # todo

        self.image = "player" + str( + suffix
        self.shadow.image = "players" + suffix

        # Update shadow position to track player
        self.shadow.vpos = Vector2(self.vpos)

class Team:
    def __init__(self, controls):
        self.controls = controls
        self.active_control_player = None
        self.score = 0

    def human(self):
        return self.controls != None

class Game:
    def __init__(self, p1_controls=None, p2_controls=None, difficulty=2):
        self.teams = [Team(p1_controls), Team(p2_controls)]
        self.difficulty = DIFFICULTY[difficulty]

            if self.teams[0].human():
                # Beginning a game with at least 1 human player
                # No players - we must be on the menu. Play title music.
        except Exception:
            # Ignore sound errors

        self.score_timer = 0
        self.scoring_team = 1   # Which team has just scored - also governs who kicks off next


    def reset(self):
        # Called at game start, and after a goal has been scored

        # Set up players list/positions
        # The lambda function is used to give the player start positions a slight random offset so they're not
        # perfectly aligned to their starting spots
        self.players = []
        random_offset = lambda x: x + random.randint(-32, 32)
        for pos in PLAYER_START_POS:
            # pos is a pair of coordinates in a tuple
            # For each entry in pos, create one player for each team - positions are flipped (both horizontally and
            # vertically) versions of each other
            self.players.append(Player(random_offset(pos[0]), random_offset(pos[1]), 0))
            self.players.append(Player(random_offset(LEVEL_W - pos[0]), random_offset(LEVEL_H - pos[1]), 1))

        # Players in the list are stored in an alternating fashion - a team 0 player, then a team 1 player, and so on.
        # The peer for each player is the opposing team player at the opposite end of the list. As there are 14 players
        # in total, the peers are 0 and 13, 1 and 12, 2 and 11, and so on.
        for a, b in zip(self.players, self.players[::-1]):
            a.peer = b

        # Create two goals
        self.goals = [Goal(i) for i in range(2)]

        # The current active player under control by each team, indicated by arrows over their heads
        # Choose first two players to begin with
        self.teams[0].active_control_player = self.players[0]
        self.teams[1].active_control_player = self.players[1]

        # If team 1 just scored (or if it's the start of the game), team 0 will kick off
        other_team = 1 if self.scoring_team == 0 else 0

        # Players are stored in the players list in an alternating fashion - the first player being on team 0, the
        # second on team 1, the third on team 0 etc. The player that kicks off will always be the first player of
        # the relevant team.
        self.kickoff_player = self.players[other_team]

        # Set pos of kickoff player. A team 0 player will stand to the left of the ball, team 1 on the right
        self.kickoff_player.vpos = Vector2(HALF_LEVEL_W - 30 + other_team * 60, HALF_LEVEL_H)

        # Create ball
        self.ball = Ball()

        # Focus camera on ball - copy ball pos
        self.camera_focus = Vector2(self.ball.vpos)

        self.debug_shoot_target = None

    def update(self):
        self.score_timer -= 1

        if self.score_timer == 0:
            # Reset for new kick-off after goal scored

        elif self.score_timer < 0 and abs(self.ball.vpos.y - HALF_LEVEL_H) > HALF_PITCH_H:
            game.play_sound("goal", 2)

            self.scoring_team = 0 if self.ball.vpos.y < HALF_LEVEL_H else 1
            self.teams[self.scoring_team].score += 1
            self.score_timer = 60      # Game goes into "scored a goal" state for 60 frames

        # Each frame, reset mark and lead of each player
        for b in self.players:
            b.mark = b.peer
            b.lead = None
            b.debug_target = None

        # Reset debug shoot target
        self.debug_shoot_target = None

        if self.ball.owner:
            # Ball has an owner (above is equivalent to s.ball.owner != None, or s.ball.owner is not None)
            # Assign some shorthand variables
            o = self.ball.owner
            pos, team = o.vpos,
            owners_target_goal = game.goals[team]
            other_team = 1 if team == 0 else 0

            if self.difficulty.goalie_enabled:
                # Find the nearest opposing team player to the goal, and make them mark the goal
                nearest = min([p for p in self.players if != team], key = dist_key(owners_target_goal.vpos))

                # Set the ball owner's peer to mark whoever the goalie was marking, then set the goalie to mark the goal
                o.peer.mark = nearest.mark
                nearest.mark = owners_target_goal

            # Choose one or two lead players to spearhead the attack on the ball owner
            # Create a list of players who are on the opposite team from the ball owner, are allowed to acquire
            # the ball (their hold-off timer must not be positive), are not currently being controlled by a human,
            # and are not currently assigned to be the goalie. The list is sorted based on distance from the ball owner.
            l = sorted([p for p in self.players
                        if != team
                        and p.timer <= 0
                        and (not self.teams[other_team].human() or p != self.teams[other_team].active_control_player)
                        and not isinstance(p.mark, Goal)],
                       key = dist_key(pos))

            # a is a list of players from l who are upfield of the ball owner (i.e. towards our own goal, away from the
            # direction of the goal the ball owner is trying to score in). b is all the other players. It's possible for
            # one of these to be empty, as there might not be any players in the relevant direction.
            a = [p for p in l if (p.vpos.y > pos.y if team == 0 else p.vpos.y < pos.y)]
            b = [p for p in l if p not in a]

            # Zip a and b together in an alternating fashion. Why do we add NONE2 (i.e. [None,None]) to each list?
            # Because the zip function stops when there are no more items in one of the lists. We want our final list
            # to contain at least 2 elements. Adding NONE2 (i.e. [None,None] as defined near the top) ensures that each
            # list has at least 2 items. But we don't want any values in the final list to be None, hence the final part
            # of the list comprehension 'for s in t if s', which discards any None values from the final result
            NONE2 = [None] * 2
            zipped = [s for t in zip(a+NONE2, b+NONE2) for s in t if s]

            # Either one or two players (depending on difficulty settings) follow the ball owner, one from up-field and
            # one from down-field of the owner
            zipped[0].lead = LEAD_DISTANCE_1
            if self.difficulty.second_lead_enabled:
                zipped[1].lead = LEAD_DISTANCE_2

            # If the ball has an owner, kick-off must have taken place, so unset the kickoff player
            # Of course, kick-off might have already taken place a while ago, in which case kick-off_player will already
            # be None, and will remain None
            self.kickoff_player = None

        # Update all players and ball
        for obj in self.players + [self.ball]:

        owner = self.ball.owner

        for team_num in range(2):
            team_obj = self.teams[team_num]

            # Manual player switching when space is pressed
            if team_obj.human() and team_obj.controls.shoot():
                # Find nearest player to the ball on our team
                # If the ball has an owner (who must be on the other team because if not, control would have
                # automatically switched to the ball owner and we wouldn't need to manually switch), we weight the
                # choice in favour of players who are upfield (towards our goal), since such players may be better
                # placed to intercept the ball owner.
                # The function dist_key_weighted is equivalent to the dist_key function earlier in the code, but with
                # this weighting added. We use this function as the key for the min function, which will choose
                # the player who results in the lowest value when passed as an argument to dist_key_weighted.
                def dist_key_weighted(p):
                    dist_to_ball = (p.vpos - self.ball.vpos).length()
                    # Thonny gives a warning about the following line, relating to closures (an advanced topic), but
                    # in this case there is not actually a problem as the closure is only called within the loop
                    goal_dir = (2 * team_num - 1)
                    if owner and (p.vpos.y - self.ball.vpos.y) * goal_dir < 0:
                        return dist_to_ball / 2
                        return dist_to_ball

                self.teams[team_num].active_control_player = min([p for p in game.players if == team_num],
                                                                 key = dist_key_weighted)

        # Get vector between current camera pos and ball pos
        camera_ball_vec, distance = safe_normalise(self.camera_focus - self.ball.vpos)
        if distance > 0:
            # Move camera towards ball, at no more than 8 pixels per frame
            self.camera_focus -= camera_ball_vec * min(distance, 8)

    def draw(self):
        # For the purpose of scrolling, all objects will be drawn with these offsets
        offset_x = max(0, min(LEVEL_W - WIDTH, self.camera_focus.x - WIDTH / 2))
        offset_y = max(0, min(LEVEL_H - HEIGHT, self.camera_focus.y - HEIGHT / 2))
        offset = Vector2(offset_x, offset_y)

        screen.blit("field_hockey_pitch", (-offset_x, -offset_y))

        # Prepare to draw all objects
        # 1. Create a list of all players and the ball, sorted based on their Y positions
        # 2. Add object shadows to the list
        # 3. Add the two goals at each end of the list
        # (note - technically we're not adding items to the list in steps two and three, we're creating a new list
        # which consists of the old list plus the new items)
        objects = sorted([self.ball] + self.players, key = lambda obj: obj.y)
        objects = objects + [obj.shadow for obj in objects]
        objects = [self.goals[0]] + objects + [self.goals[1]]

        # Draw all objects
        for obj in objects:
            obj.draw(offset_x, offset_y)

        # Show active players
        for t in range(2):
            # Only show arrow for human teams
            if self.teams[t].human():
                arrow_pos = self.teams[t].active_control_player.vpos - offset - Vector2(11, 45)
                screen.blit("arrow" + str(t), arrow_pos)

        if DEBUG_SHOW_LEADS:
            for p in self.players:
                if game.ball.owner and p.lead:
                    line_start = game.ball.owner.vpos - offset
                    line_end = p.vpos - offset
                    pygame.draw.line(screen.surface, (0,0,0), line_start, line_end)

            for p in self.players:
                line_start = p.debug_target - offset
                line_end = p.vpos - offset
                pygame.draw.line(screen.surface, (255,0,0), line_start, line_end)

        if DEBUG_SHOW_PEERS:
            for p in self.players:
                line_start = p.peer.vpos - offset
                line_end = p.vpos - offset
                pygame.draw.line(screen.surface, (0,0,255), line_start, line_end)

            if self.debug_shoot_target and self.ball.owner:
                line_start = self.ball.owner.vpos - offset
                line_end = self.debug_shoot_target - offset
                pygame.draw.line(screen.surface, (255,0,255), line_start, line_end)

        if DEBUG_SHOW_COSTS and self.ball.owner:
            for x in range(0,LEVEL_W,60):
                for y in range(0, LEVEL_H, 26):
                    c = cost(Vector2(x,y),[0]
                    screen_pos = Vector2(x,y)-offset
                    screen_pos = (screen_pos.x,screen_pos.y)    # draw.text can't reliably take a Vector2
                    screen.draw.text("{0:.0f}".format(c), center=screen_pos)

    def play_sound(self, name, c):
        # Only play sounds if we're not in the menu state
        if state != State.MENU:
                getattr(sounds, name+str(random.randint(0, c-1))).play()
                # Ignore sound errors

# Dictionary to keep track of which keys are currently being held down
key_status = {}

# Was the given key just pressed? (i.e. is it currently down, but wasn't down on the previous frame?)
def key_just_pressed(key):
    result = False

    # Get key's previous status from the key_status dictionary. The dictionary.get method allows us to check for a given
    # entry without giving an error if that entry is not present in the dictionary. False is the default value returned
    # when the key is not present.
    prev_status = key_status.get(key, False)

    # If the key wasn't previously being pressed, but it is now, we're going to return True
    if not prev_status and keyboard[key]:
        result = True

    # Before we return, we need to update the key's entry in the key_status dictionary (or create an entry if there
    # wasn't one already
    key_status[key] = keyboard[key]

    return result

class Controls:
    def __init__(self, player_num):
        if player_num == 0:
            self.key_up = keys.UP
            self.key_down = keys.DOWN
            self.key_left = keys.LEFT
            self.key_right = keys.RIGHT
            self.key_shoot = keys.SPACE
            self.key_up = keys.W
            self.key_down = keys.S
            self.key_left = keys.A
            self.key_right = keys.D
            self.key_shoot = keys.LSHIFT

    def move(self, speed):
        # Return vector representing amount of movement that should occur
        dx, dy = 0, 0
        if keyboard[self.key_left]:
            dx = -1
        elif keyboard[self.key_right]:
            dx = 1
        if keyboard[self.key_up]:
            dy = -1
        elif keyboard[self.key_down]:
            dy = 1
        return Vector2(dx, dy) * speed

    def shoot(self):
        return key_just_pressed(self.key_shoot)

# Pygame Zero calls the update and draw functions each frame

class State(Enum):
    MENU = 0
    PLAY = 1
    GAME_OVER = 2

class MenuState(Enum):

def update():
    global state, game, menu_state, menu_num_players, menu_difficulty

    if state == State.MENU:
        if key_just_pressed(keys.SPACE):
            if menu_state == MenuState.NUM_PLAYERS:
                # If we're doing a 2 player game, skip difficulty selection
                if menu_num_players == 1:
                    menu_state = MenuState.DIFFICULTY
                    # Start 2P game
                    state = State.PLAY
                    menu_state = None
                    game = Game(Controls(0), Controls(1))
                # Start 1P game
                state = State.PLAY
                menu_state = None
                game = Game(Controls(0), None, menu_difficulty)
            # Detect + act on up/down arrow keys
            selection_change = 0
            if key_just_pressed(keys.DOWN):
                selection_change = 1
            elif key_just_pressed(keys.UP):
                selection_change = -1
            if selection_change != 0:
                except Exception:
                    # Ignore sound errors
                if menu_state == MenuState.NUM_PLAYERS:
                    menu_num_players = 2 if menu_num_players == 1 else 1
                    menu_difficulty = (menu_difficulty + selection_change) % 3


    elif state == State.PLAY:
        # First player to 9 wins
        if max([team.score for team in game.teams]) == 9 and game.score_timer == 1:
            state = State.GAME_OVER

    elif state == State.GAME_OVER:
        if key_just_pressed(keys.SPACE):
            # Switch to menu state, and create a new game object without a player
            state = State.MENU
            menu_state = MenuState.NUM_PLAYERS
            game = Game()

def draw():

    if state == State.MENU:
        # Draw title screen and menu
        # There are 5 menu images numbered 01, 02, 10, 11 and 12.
        # 01 and 02 are the images for indicating whether 1 or 2 player mode
        # is selected; 10, 11 and 12 are for the difficulty selection screen -
        # easy, medium or hard
        if menu_state == MenuState.NUM_PLAYERS:
            image = "menu0" + str(menu_num_players)
            image = "menu1" + str(menu_difficulty)
        screen.blit(image, (0, 0))
        screen.draw.line((190, 50), (610, 225), (255,0,0))
        screen.draw.line((610, 50), (190, 225), (255,0,0))
        screen.draw.filled_rect(Rect((200, 75), (400, 125)), (255,255,255))
        screen.draw.text(TITLE, center=(400, 135), color=(0,0,0), fontsize=64)

    elif state == State.PLAY:
        # Display score bar at top
        screen.blit("bar", (HALF_WINDOW_W - 176, 0))

        # Show score for each team
        for i in range(2):
            screen.blit("s" + str(game.teams[i].score), (HALF_WINDOW_W + 7 - 39 * i, 6))

        # Show GOAL image if a goal has recently been scored
        if game.score_timer > 0:
            screen.blit("goal", (HALF_WINDOW_W - 300, HEIGHT / 2 - 88))

    elif state == State.GAME_OVER:
        # Display "Game Over" image
        img = "over" + str(int(game.teams[1].score > game.teams[0].score))
        screen.blit(img, (0, 0))

        # Show score for each team
        for i in range(2):
            img = "l" + str(i) + str(game.teams[i].score)
            screen.blit(img, (HALF_WINDOW_W + 25 - 125 * i, 144))

# Set up sound system
    pygame.mixer.init(44100, -16, 2, 1024)
except Exception:
    # Ignore sound errors

# Set the initial game state
state = State.MENU

# Menu state
menu_state = MenuState.NUM_PLAYERS
menu_num_players = 1
menu_difficulty = 0

# Create a new Game object
game = Game()
