Solar System Simulator
Essentials - Make Games with Python, pages 68 - 80.
Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported.
Original Python code
import pygame, sys, random, math
import pygame.locals as GAME_GLOBALS
import pygame.event as GAME_EVENTS
import pygame.time as GAME_TIME
import pygame, copy
images = {
"mercury" : pygame.image.load("assets/mercury.png"),
"venus" : pygame.image.load("assets/venus.png"),
"earth" : pygame.image.load("assets/earth.png"),
"mars" : pygame.image.load("assets/mars.png"),
"jupiter" : pygame.image.load("assets/jupiter.png"),
"saturn" : pygame.image.load("assets/saturn.png"),
"neptune" : pygame.image.load("assets/neptune.png"),
"uranus" : pygame.image.load("assets/uranus.png"),
planets = [{
"name" : "mercury",
"radius" : 15.0,
"mass" : 0.6,
"velocity" : [0,0],
"position" : [0,0]
"name" : "venus",
"radius" : 23.0,
"mass" : 0.95,
"velocity" : [0,0],
"position" : [0,0]
"name" : "earth",
"radius" : 24.0,
"mass" : 1.0,
"velocity" : [0,0],
"position" : [0,0]
"name" : "mars",
"radius" : 15.0,
"mass" : 0.4,
"velocity" : [0,0],
"position" : [0,0]
"name" : "jupiter",
"radius" : 37.0,
"mass" : 15.0,
"velocity" : [0,0],
"position" : [0,0]
"name" : "saturn",
"radius" : 30.0,
"mass" : 4,
"velocity" : [0,0],
"position" : [0,0]
"name" : "neptune",
"radius" : 30.0,
"mass" : 4.2,
"velocity" : [0,0],
"position" : [0,0]
"name" : "uranus",
"radius" : 30.0,
"mass" : 3.8,
"velocity" : [0,0],
"position" : [0,0]
def makeNewPlanet(which):
for pieceOfRock in planets:
if pieceOfRock["name"] == which:
return copy.deepcopy(pieceOfRock)
return False
windowWidth = 1024
windowHeight = 768
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
surface = pygame.display.set_mode((windowWidth, windowHeight), pygame.FULLSCREEN)
pygame.display.set_caption('Solar System Simulator')
previousMousePosition = [0,0]
mousePosition = None
mouseDown = False
background = pygame.image.load("assets/background.jpg")
logo = pygame.image.load("assets/logo.png")
UITab = pygame.image.load("assets/tabs.png")
UICoordinates = [{"name" : "mercury", "coordinates" : (132,687)}, {"name" : "venus", "coordinates" : (229,687)}, {"name" : "earth", "coordinates" : (326,687)}, {"name" : "mars", "coordinates" : (423,687)}, {"name" : "jupiter", "coordinates" : (520,687)}, {"name" : "saturn", "coordinates" : (617,687)}, {"name" : "neptune", "coordinates" : (713,687)}, {"name" : "uranus", "coordinates" : (810,687)}]
celestialBodies = []
currentBody = None
drawAttractions = True
gravity = 10.0
def drawUI():
surface.blit(UITab, (131,687))
surface.blit(images["mercury"], (158,714))
surface.blit(images["venus"], (247,706))
surface.blit(images["earth"], (344,704))
surface.blit(images["mars"], (451,714))
surface.blit(images["jupiter"], (524,692))
surface.blit(images["saturn"], (620,695))
surface.blit(images["neptune"], (724,697))
surface.blit(images["uranus"], (822,697))
def drawPlanets():
for planet in celestialBodies:
planet["position"][0] += planet["velocity"][0]
planet["position"][1] += planet["velocity"][1]
surface.blit(images[planet["name"]], (planet["position"][0] - planet["radius"], planet["position"][1] - planet["radius"]))
def drawCurrentBody():
currentBody["position"][0] = mousePosition[0]
currentBody["position"][1] = mousePosition[1]
surface.blit(images[currentBody["name"]], (currentBody["position"][0] - currentBody["radius"], currentBody["position"][1] - currentBody["radius"]))
def calculateMovement():
for planet in celestialBodies:
for otherPlanet in celestialBodies:
if otherPlanet is not planet:
direction = (otherPlanet["position"][0] - planet["position"][0], otherPlanet["position"][1] - planet["position"][1]) # The difference in the X, Y coordinates of the objects
magnitude = math.hypot(otherPlanet["position"][0] - planet["position"][0], otherPlanet["position"][1] - planet["position"][1]) # The distance between the two objects
nDirection = (direction[0] / magnitude, direction[1] / magnitude) # Normalised Vector pointing in the direction of the force
## We need to limit the gravity to stop things flying off to infinity... and beyond!
if magnitude < 5:
magnitude = 5
elif magnitude > 30:
magnitude = 30
strength = ((gravity * planet["mass"] * otherPlanet["mass"]) / (magnitude * magnitude)) / otherPlanet["mass"] # How strong should the attraction be?
appliedForce = (nDirection[0] * strength, nDirection[1] * strength)
otherPlanet["velocity"][0] -= appliedForce[0]
otherPlanet["velocity"][1] -= appliedForce[1]
if drawAttractions is True:
pygame.draw.line(surface, (255,255,255), (planet["position"][0],planet["position"][1]), (otherPlanet["position"][0],otherPlanet["position"][1]), 1)
def checkUIForClick(coordinates):
for tab in UICoordinates:
tabX = tab["coordinates"][0]
if coordinates[0] > tabX and coordinates[0] < tabX + 82:
return tab["name"]
return False
def handleMouseDown():
global mousePosition, currentBody
if(mousePosition[1] >= 687):
newPlanet = checkUIForClick(mousePosition)
if newPlanet is not False:
currentBody = makeNewPlanet(newPlanet)
def quitGame():
# 'main' loop
while True:
mousePosition = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
surface.blit(background, (0,0))
# Handle user and system events
for event in GAME_EVENTS.get():
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE:
if event.type == pygame.KEYUP:
if event.key == pygame.K_r:
celestialBodies = []
if event.key == pygame.K_a:
if drawAttractions is True:
drawAttractions = False
elif drawAttractions is False:
drawAttractions = True
if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
mouseDown = True
if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP:
mouseDown = False
if event.type == GAME_GLOBALS.QUIT:
# Draw the UI; Update the movement of the planets; Draw the planets in their new positions.
# If our user has created a new planet, draw it where the mouse is
if currentBody is not None:
# If our user has released the mouse, add the new planet to the celestialBodies list and let gravity do its thing
if mouseDown is False:
currentBody["velocity"][0] = (mousePosition[0] - previousMousePosition[0]) / 4
currentBody["velocity"][1] = (mousePosition[1] - previousMousePosition[1]) / 4
currentBody = None
# Draw the logo for the first four seconds of the program
if GAME_TIME.get_ticks() < 4000:
surface.blit(logo, (108,77))
# Store the previous mouse coordinates to create a vector when we release a new planet
previousMousePosition = mousePosition