Source Code: Make a Spy Hunter-style scrolling road, pages 40-41, by Mac Bowley.
Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported.
Original Python code
import random
# Set the screen dimensions
WIDTH = 540
HEIGHT = 540
# Colour variables
c_grass = (0, 153, 76)
c_road = (204, 136, 0)
# Lists to hold pieces
road = [] # To be drawn on screen
queue = [] # To be added when scrolling
# Height of my road pieces
block_size = 2
# Player actor and a speed to move it at
player = Actor("car.png", (int(WIDTH/2 - 16), 390), anchor=("left", "top"))
speed = 5
# Initial population of the road and queue
buffer = int(WIDTH/4)
for i in range(HEIGHT-block_size, -block_size, -block_size):
block = Rect((buffer, i), (int(WIDTH/2), block_size))
for i in range(0, 200, block_size):
block = Rect((buffer, 0), (int(WIDTH/2), block_size))
# Function that will scroll the road
def scroll_road():
global road, queue
for piece in road: # Move all the pieces down by 2 += block_size
road.append(queue.pop(0)) # Move piece from queue to road
road.pop(0) # Remove the bottom road piece
road[-1].top = 0 # An index of -1 is the last item in a list
if len(queue) < 5:
update_path() # If the queue is getting low update the path
# Scroll the road at a set interval - 60 scrolls (frames) per second
frame_rate = 1/60
clock.schedule_interval(scroll_road, frame_rate)
# Road should not go any closer than 50 pixels to the edge
min_buffer = 50
# Make sure the road doesn't exceed my buffer
def clamp_road(x):
if x < min_buffer:
x = min_buffer
if x > int(WIDTH/2) - min_buffer:
x = int(WIDTH/2) - min_buffer
return x
min_turn = 200
turn_gap = 200
def update_path():
global road, queue
choice = random.randint(0, 1) # Right or left turn
current_pos_x = queue[-1].left
if choice == 0:
# Turn left
modifier = -1
if current_pos_x - min_turn > min_buffer:
turn = random.randint(min_turn, current_pos_x - 5)
turn = current_pos_x - min_buffer
# Turn right
modifier = 1
if int(WIDTH/2) - current_pos_x - min_buffer > min_turn:
turn = random.randint(min_turn, int(WIDTH/2) - current_pos_x - min_buffer)
turn = int(WIDTH/2) - current_pos_x - min_buffer
# Choose how long my turn will take
height = random.randint(200, 400)
# Move a percentage of the turn for each block in height
for y in range(block_size, height, block_size):
x = turn/height * y * modifier
new_x = clamp_road(current_pos_x + x)
block = Rect((new_x, 0), (int(WIDTH/2), block_size))
# Find the last x co-ordinate of the turn
current_pos_x = queue[-1].left
# Add some straight to the road
for i in range(0, turn_gap, block_size):
block = Rect((current_pos_x, 0), (int(WIDTH/2), block_size))
def update():
# Player movement
global player
player_momentum = 0
if keyboard.left:
player_momentum = -speed
elif keyboard.right:
player_momentum = speed
player_momentum = 0
new_pos = player.x + player_momentum
collision = False
for i in range(16):
if new_pos > road[75+i].left and new_pos + player.width < road[75+i].x + road[75+i].width:
collision = True
if collision == True:
player.x = new_pos
def draw():
for piece in road:
screen.draw.rect(piece, c_road)