Make your own procedurally generated dungeons, pages 32-38, by Mac Bowley.
Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported.
Original Python code
# Importing modules
import secrets # Secrets is a crypto grade randomness library - in my opinion better than random for this.
import math # For the math
from collections import namedtuple
from pygame import Rect
WIDTH = 1024
HEIGHT = 768
# Map variables
TILE_SIZE = 32 # Dimensions of the tiles - change if neccessary
TILE_ACROSS = int(WIDTH/TILE_SIZE) # Use the previous variables to set a tile width
TILE_DOWN = int(HEIGHT/TILE_SIZE) # and tile height
Room = namedtuple('Room', ['width', 'height', 'pos_x', 'pos_y'])
def generate_room():
rm_width = MIN_ROOM_SIZE + secrets.randbelow(MAX_ROOM_SIZE - MIN_ROOM_SIZE + 1)
rm_height = MIN_ROOM_SIZE + secrets.randbelow(MAX_ROOM_SIZE - MIN_ROOM_SIZE + 1)
rm_pos_x = secrets.randbelow(TILE_ACROSS - rm_width)
if rm_pos_x < MAP_BORDER:
rm_pos_x = MAP_BORDER
rm_pos_y = secrets.randbelow(TILE_DOWN - rm_height)
if rm_pos_y < MAP_BORDER:
rm_pos_y = MAP_BORDER
return Room(rm_width, rm_height, rm_pos_x, rm_pos_y)
def create_rooms():
Rooms = []
for i in range(NUMBER_OF_ROOMS):
intersect = True
while intersect:
intersect = False
rm = generate_room()
for other in Rooms:
room = other[0]
padded_pos_x = rm.pos_x - 1
padded_pos_y = rm.pos_y - 1
padded_width = rm.width + 3
padded_height = rm.height + 3
rm_1 = Rect((room.pos_x*32, room.pos_y*32), (room.width*32, room.height*32))
rm_2 = Rect((padded_pos_x*32, padded_pos_y*32), (padded_width*32, padded_height*32))
if rm_1.colliderect(rm_2):
intersect = True
Rooms.append([rm, {"NORTH": None, "SOUTH": None, "EAST": None, "WEST": None}])
return Rooms
def create_corridors(rm, Rooms):
candidates = {"NORTH": None, "SOUTH": None, "EAST": None, "WEST": None}
for other in Rooms:
if other[0] != rm[0]:
current_room = rm[0]
other_room = other[0]
left_marker = max(current_room.pos_x, other_room.pos_x)
right_marker = min(current_room.pos_x + current_room.width, other_room.pos_x + other_room.width)
horizontal_overlap = list(range(left_marker, right_marker))
if len(horizontal_overlap) > 0:
vertical_corridors(candidates, other, rm, horizontal_overlap)
top_marker = max(current_room.pos_y, other_room.pos_y)
bottom_marker = min(current_room.pos_y + current_room.height, other_room.pos_y + other_room.height)
vertical_overlap = list(range(top_marker, bottom_marker))
if len(vertical_overlap) > 0:
horizontal_corridors(candidates, other, rm, vertical_overlap)
return candidates
def vertical_corridors(candidates, other, rm, horizontal_overlap):
current_room = rm[0]
current_connections = rm[1]
other_room = other[0]
other_connections = other[1]
if current_room.pos_y > other_room.pos_y and other_connections["SOUTH"] == None and current_connections["NORTH"] != 0:
connector = candidates["NORTH"]
if connector == None:
candidates["NORTH"] = (other, horizontal_overlap)
other_connections["SOUTH"] = 0
if other_room.pos_y + other_room.height > connector[0][0].pos_y + connector[0][0].height:
connector[0][1]["SOUTH"] = None
candidates["NORTH"] = (other, horizontal_overlap)
other_connections["SOUTH"] = 0
if current_room.pos_y < other_room.pos_y and other_connections["NORTH"] == None and current_connections["SOUTH"] != 0:
connector = candidates["SOUTH"]
if connector == None:
candidates["SOUTH"] = (other, horizontal_overlap)
other_connections["NORTH"] = 0
if other_room.pos_y < connector[0][0].pos_y:
connector[0][1]["NORTH"] = None
candidates["SOUTH"] = (other, horizontal_overlap)
other_connections["NORTH"] = 0
def horizontal_corridors(candidates, other, rm, vertical_overlap):
current_room = rm[0]
current_connections = rm[1]
other_room = other[0]
other_connections = other[1]
if current_room.pos_x > other_room.pos_x and other_connections["EAST"] == None and current_connections["WEST"] != 0:
connector = candidates["WEST"]
if connector == None:
candidates["WEST"] = (other, vertical_overlap)
other_connections["EAST"] = 0
if other_room.pos_x < connector[0][0].pos_x:
connector[0][1]["EAST"] = None
candidates["WEST"] = (other, vertical_overlap)
other_connections["EAST"] = 0
if current_room.pos_x < other_room.pos_x and other_connections["WEST"] == None and current_connections["EAST"] != 0:
connector = candidates["EAST"]
if connector == None:
candidates["EAST"] = (other, vertical_overlap)
other_connections["WEST"] = 0
if other_room.pos_x + other_room.width < connector[0][0].pos_x + connector[0][0].width:
connector[0][1]["WEST"] = None
candidates["EAST"] = (other, vertical_overlap)
other_connections["WEST"] = 0
def find_position(Room, Map):
x_pos = Room.pos_x + secrets.randbelow(Room.width - 1)
y_pos = Room.pos_y + secrets.randbelow(Room.height - 1)
while Map[x_pos][y_pos] != 1:
x_pos = Room.pos_x + secrets.randbelow(Room.width)
y_pos = Room.pos_y + secrets.randbelow(Room.height)
return x_pos, y_pos
def placeEnemies(Rooms, Map):
for i in range(NUMBER_OF_ROOMS - LOOT_ROOMS):
room = secrets.choice(Rooms)
amount_of_enemies = secrets.randbelow(4)
for enemy in range(amount_of_enemies):
x_pos, y_pos = find_position(room[0], Map)
Map[x_pos][y_pos] = 4
chest_x_pos, chest_y_pos = find_position(room[0], Map)
Map[chest_x_pos][chest_y_pos] = 6
return Map
def placeBoss(boss_room, Map):
x_pos = boss_room.pos_x + (boss_room.width//2)
y_pos = boss_room.pos_y + (boss_room.height//2)
Map[x_pos][y_pos] = 5
boss_enemies = secrets.randbelow(4) + 1
for henchman in range(boss_enemies):
hench_x, hench_y = find_position(boss_room, Map)
Map[hench_x][hench_y] = 4
for chest in range(2):
chest_x_pos, chest_y_pos = find_position(boss_room, Map)
Map[chest_x_pos][chest_y_pos] = 6
return Map
def placePlayer(room, Map):
player_x, player_y = find_position(room, Map)
Map[player_x][player_y] = 7
return Map
def populateRooms(Rooms, Map):
biggestArea = 0
biggestRoom = ""
smallestArea = math.inf
smallestRoom = ""
for rm in Rooms:
area = rm[0].width * rm[0].height
if area >= biggestArea:
biggestArea = area
biggestRoom = rm
if area <= smallestArea:
smallestArea = area
smallestRoom = rm
rooms_to_populate = Rooms
Map = placeEnemies(rooms_to_populate, Map)
boss_room = biggestRoom[0]
Map = placeBoss(boss_room, Map)
player_spawn = smallestRoom[0]
Map = placePlayer(player_spawn, Map)
return Map
def create_map():
Map = []
for x in range(TILE_ACROSS):
row = []
for y in range(TILE_DOWN):
Rooms = create_rooms()
for rm in Rooms:
for x in range(rm[0].width):
for y in range(rm[0].height):
Map[rm[0].pos_x+x][rm[0].pos_y+y] = 1
rm[1] = create_corridors(rm, Rooms)
#Create the corridors on the map array
for key, value in rm[1].items():
if len(rm[1].items()) > 1:
skip = secrets.randbelow(100) # Chance to skip drawing this corridor
skip = 100
if value is not None and value is not 0 and skip > 20:
dir = [0, 0]
start_pos = [rm[0].pos_x, rm[0].pos_y]
end_pos = [value[0][0].pos_x, value[0][0].pos_y]
mid_overlap = value[1][len(value[1])//2]
if key == "NORTH":
dir[1] = -1
start_pos[0] = mid_overlap
start_pos[1] -= 1
end_pos[0] = mid_overlap
end_pos[1] += value[0][0].height
tile = 3
elif key == "SOUTH":
dir[1] = 1
start_pos[0] = mid_overlap
start_pos[1] += rm[0].height
end_pos[0] = mid_overlap
end_pos[1] -= 1
tile = 3
elif key == "EAST":
dir[0] = 1
start_pos[0] += rm[0].width
start_pos[1] = mid_overlap
end_pos[0] -= 1
end_pos[1] = mid_overlap
tile = 2
elif key == "WEST":
dir[0] = -1
start_pos[0] -= 1
start_pos[1] = mid_overlap
end_pos[0] += value[0][0].width
end_pos[1] = mid_overlap
tile = 2
Map[start_pos[0]][start_pos[1]] = tile
Map[end_pos[0]][end_pos[1]] = tile
distance = (start_pos[0] - end_pos[0]) + (start_pos[1] - end_pos[1])
next_pos = start_pos
for i in range(abs(distance)):
next_pos = [next_pos[0] + dir[0], next_pos[1] + dir[1]]
if Map[next_pos[0]][next_pos[1]] == 0:
Map[next_pos[0]][next_pos[1]] = tile
Map = populateRooms(Rooms, Map)
return Map
from Map_Generator import create_map
from tiles import *
from collections import namedtuple
## Dimensions of the tiles - change if neccessary
## Window Parameters // Viewport
## Pygame Zero width and height for the game
## Set up world co-ordinates
## Top left corner of the screen
screen_pos = [0, 0]
## Player world co-ordinates
playerTile = [0, 0]
## Create the player Actor
player = Actor(player_image)
## Create the player variables
class Player:
def __init__(self, actor, health, inventory):
self.Actor = actor
self.Health = health
self.Inventory = inventory
def Attack(self):
global playerTile, Map
for y in range(-1, 2):
for x in range(-1, 2):
check_x = playerTile[0] + x
check_y = playerTile[1] + y
if Map[check_x][check_y] == 4 or Map[check_x][check_y] == 5:
Map[check_x][check_y] = 1
player_object = Player(player, 100, {})
## Generate the first Map
Map = create_map()
## Search the Map for spawn positions
for x in range(len(Map)):
for y in range(len(Map[0])):
if Map[x][y] == 7:
playerTile = [x, y]
Map[x][y] = 1
def camera_follow():
global screen_pos
screen_pos[0] = playerTile[0] - (SCREEN_WIDTH//2)
screen_pos[1] = playerTile[1] - (SCREEN_HEIGHT//2)
if screen_pos[0] < 0:
screen_pos[0] = 0
elif screen_pos[0] + SCREEN_WIDTH > len(Map):
screen_pos[0] = len(Map)-SCREEN_WIDTH
if screen_pos[1] < 0:
screen_pos[1] = 0
elif screen_pos[1] + SCREEN_HEIGHT > len(Map[0]):
screen_pos[1] = len(Map[0])-SCREEN_HEIGHT
def on_key_down(key):
global playerTile
if key == key.A :
new_pos = [playerTile[0], playerTile[1]]
if key == key.RIGHT:
new_pos[0] += 1
if key == key.LEFT:
new_pos[0] -= 1
if key == key.UP:
new_pos[1] -= 1
if key == key.DOWN:
new_pos[1] += 1
if movement_collision(new_pos) == True:
playerTile[0] = new_pos[0]
playerTile[1] = new_pos[1]
def movement_collision(position):
global Map
tile = Map[position[0]][position[1]]
if tile == 1 or tile == 2 or tile == 3 or tile == 4:
return True
elif tile == 0:
return False
elif tile == 6:
Map[position[0]][position[1]] = 1
def draw_level():
global player
for i in range(SCREEN_WIDTH):
for j in range(SCREEN_HEIGHT):
x = screen_pos[0] + i
y = screen_pos[1] + j
if Map[x][y] == 0:
screen.blit(dirt_tile, (i*32, j*32))
elif Map[x][y] == 1:
screen.blit(room_tile, (i*32, j*32))
elif Map[x][y] == 2:
screen.blit(south_corridor, (i*32, j*32))
elif Map[x][y] == 3:
screen.blit(north_corridor, (i*32, j*32))
elif Map[x][y] == 4:
screen.blit(room_tile, (i*32, j*32))
screen.blit(enemy_basic, (i*32, j*32))
elif Map[x][y] == 5:
screen.blit(room_tile, (i*32, j*32))
screen.blit(enemy_boss, (i*32, j*32))
elif Map[x][y] == 6:
screen.blit(room_tile, (i*32, j*32))
screen.blit(chest, (i*32, j*32))
elif Map[x][y] == 7:
screen.blit(room_tile, (i*32, j*32))
if x == playerTile[0] and y == playerTile[1]:
player.x = i*32+player.width//2
player.y = j*32+player.height//2
def draw():