Source Code: code a homage to Lunar Lander, pages 40-41, by Mark Vanstone.
Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported.
Original Python code
# Lunar Lander
import math
from pygame import image, Color
import time
start_time = time.time()
backgroundImage = image.load('images/background.png')
lander = Actor('lander',(50,30))
lander.angle = lander.direction = -80
lander.thrust = 0.5
gravity = 0.8
lander.burn = speedDown = gameState = gameTime = 0
def draw():
global gameTime
r = lander.angle
if(lander.burn > 0):
lander.image = "landerburn"
lander.image = "lander"
lander.angle = r
if gameState == 0:
gameTime = int(time.time() - start_time)
screen.draw.text("Altitude : "+ str(getAlt()), topleft=(650, 10), owidth=0.5, ocolor=(255,0,0), color=(255,255,0) , fontsize=25)
screen.draw.text("Time : "+ str(gameTime), topleft=(40, 10), owidth=0.5, ocolor=(255,0,0), color=(255,255,0) , fontsize=25)
if gameState == 2:
screen.draw.text("Congratulations \nThe Eagle Has Landed", center=(400, 50), owidth=0.5, ocolor=(255,0,0), color=(255,255,0) , fontsize=35)
if gameState == 1:
screen.draw.text("Crashed", center=(400, 50), owidth=0.5, ocolor=(255,0,0), color=(255,255,0) , fontsize=35)
def update():
global gameState, speedDown
if gameState == 0:
if keyboard.up:
lander.thrust = limit(lander.thrust+0.01,0,1)
lander.burn = 1
if keyboard.left: lander.angle += 1
if keyboard.right: lander.angle -= 1
oldPos =
lander.y += gravity
newPos = calcNewXY(, lander.thrust, math.radians(90-lander.direction)) = newPos
speedDown = newPos[1] - oldPos[1]
lander.thrust = limit(lander.thrust-0.001,0,1)
lander.burn = limit(lander.burn-0.05,0,1)
if speedDown < 0.2 and getAlt() == 1 and lander.angle > -5 and lander.angle < 5:
gameState = 2
if getAlt() == 0:
gameState = 1
def changeDirection():
if lander.direction > lander.angle: lander.direction -= 1
if lander.direction < lander.angle: lander.direction += 1
def limit(n, minn, maxn):
return max(min(maxn, n), minn)
def calcNewXY(xy,speed,ang):
newx = xy[0] - (speed*math.cos(ang))
newy = xy[1] - (speed*math.sin(ang))
return newx, newy
def getAlt():
testY = lander.y+8
height = 0;
while testPixel((int(lander.x),int(testY))) == Color('black') and height < 600:
testY += 1
height += 1
return height
def testPixel(xy):
if xy[0] >= 0 and xy[0] < 800 and xy[1] >= 0 and xy[1] < 600:
return backgroundImage.get_at(xy)
return Color('black')