This code example is taken from Wireframe #4 Source Code: Asteroids' thruster motion, pages 32-35. The code example was created by Rik Cross. The ship images are courtesy of pitrizzo at
Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported.
Original Python code
import math
# set screen width and height
WIDTH = 800
HEIGHT = 800
# create a new spaceship, using the 'spaceship.png' image
spaceship = Actor('spaceship')
# place the spaceship in the centre of the screen, facing right = (WIDTH/2, HEIGHT/2)
spaceship.angle = 0
# set an acceleration for the spaceship
spaceship.ACCELERATION = 0.02
# initially the spaceship is stationary
spaceship.x_speed = 0
spaceship.y_speed = 0
def update():
# save the spaceship's current angle,
# as changing the actor's image resets the angle to 0
new_angle = spaceship.angle
# rotate left on left arrow press
if keyboard.left:
new_angle += 2
# rotate right on right arrow press
if keyboard.right:
new_angle -= 2
# accelerate forwards on up arrow press
# and change displayed image
if keyboard.up:
spaceship.image = 'spaceship_thrust'
spaceship.x_speed += math.cos(math.radians(new_angle)) * spaceship.ACCELERATION
spaceship.y_speed += math.sin(math.radians(new_angle)) * spaceship.ACCELERATION
spaceship.image = 'spaceship'
# set the new angle
spaceship.angle = new_angle
# use the x and y speed to update the spaceship position
# subtract the y speed as coordinates go from top to bottom
spaceship.x += spaceship.x_speed
spaceship.y -= spaceship.y_speed
def draw():