This code example is taken from Wireframe #9 Source Code: Space Invaders' disintegrating shields, pages 32-33, by Andrew Gillett.
Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported.
Original Python code
from random import randint
WIDTH,HEIGHT = 1200, 700 # Dimensions of the screen (pixels)
shots, to_delete, first_frame = [], [], True
def create_random_shot():
shots.append({'pos': [randint(0, (WIDTH-images.shot.get_width())/10)*10, 0],
'sprite': images.shot,
'exploding': False})
# A shot will be created in a random position every half second
clock.schedule_interval(create_random_shot, 0.5) # Try reducing number to 0.1!
def draw():
global first_frame, to_delete
if first_frame:
for x in range(50, WIDTH, 300):
screen.blit(images.shield, [x, 500])
first_frame = False
for item in to_delete:
screen.blit(item['sprite'], item['pos'])
to_delete = [] # Clear list
for shot in shots:
screen.blit(shot['sprite'], shot['pos'])
def update(dt):
# Step backwards through the shots list. This avoids errors that occur
# when deleting items from the list during the for loop.
for i in range(len(shots)-1, -1, -1):
shot = shots[i]
if shot['exploding']:
shot['timer'] -= 1
if shot['timer'] <= 0:
del shots[i]
# Before moving shot, add the current position to the to_delete list
shot['pos'][1] += 20 # Move down the screen
# Do collision detection based on the centre of the sprite
half_width = shot['sprite'].get_width() // 2 # // = integer divide
half_height = shot['sprite'].get_height() // 2
if shot['pos'][1]+half_height >= HEIGHT:
del shots[i] # Gone off bottom of screen
# Hit something? If so change to exploding sprite
collide_check_pos = (shot['pos'][0]+half_width,
if screen.surface.get_at(collide_check_pos) != (0,0,0):
shot['sprite'] = images.explode
shot['exploding'] = True
shot['timer'] = 5