
The game screen appears here if your browser supports the Canvas API.


Licensed under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3.

Original Python code

import math
import random

import pygame
import pgzrun

from import Actor

class Grid:

    # Grid dimensions are in terms of screen pixels
    # Tools to convert between different values are
    # included as static methods
    def __init__ (self, start_grid, grid_size):
        self.start_grid = start_grid
        self.grid_size = grid_size

    # Does co-ordinates match this grid
    def check_in_grid (self, screen_pos):
        if (screen_pos[0] < self.start_grid[0] or
            screen_pos[1] < self.start_grid[1] or
            screen_pos[0] > self.start_grid[0] + (self.grid_size[0] * 10) or
            screen_pos[1] > self.start_grid[1] + (self.grid_size[1] * 10)):
                return False
            return True

    def get_grid_pos (self, screen_pos):
        x_offset = screen_pos[0] - self.start_grid[0]
        x = math.floor(x_offset / self.grid_size[0])
        y_offset = screen_pos[1] - self.start_grid[1]
        y = math.floor(y_offset / self.grid_size[1])
        if (x < 0 or y < 0 or x > 9 or y > 9):
            return None
        return (x,y)

    # Gets top left of a grid position - returns as screen position
    def grid_pos_to_screen_pos (self, grid_pos):
        x = self.start_grid[0] + (grid_pos[0] * self.grid_size[0])
        y = self.start_grid[1] + (grid_pos[1] * self.grid_size[1])
        return (x,y)

# Ship is referred to using an x,y position

class Ship (Actor):

    def __init__ (self, ship_type, grid, grid_pos, direction, img_txt="", grid_size=(38,28), hidden=False):
        Actor.__init__(self, ship_type, (10,10))
        self.grid_size = grid_size
        self.ship_type = ship_type
        self.grid = grid
        self.image = ship_type+img_txt
        self.grid_pos = grid_pos
        self.topleft = self.grid.grid_pos_to_screen_pos((grid_pos))
        # Set the actor anchor position to centre of the first square
        self.anchor = (grid_size[0]/2, grid_size[1]/2)
        self.direction = direction
        if (direction == 'vertical'):
            self.angle = -90
        self.hidden = hidden
        if (ship_type == "destroyer"):
            self.ship_size = 2
            self.hits = [False, False]
        elif (ship_type == "cruiser"):
            self.ship_size = 3
            self.hits = [False, False, False]
        elif (ship_type == "submarine"):
            self.ship_size = 3
            self.hits = [False, False, False]
        elif (ship_type == "battleship"):
            self.ship_size = 4
            self.hits = [False, False, False, False]
        elif (ship_type == "carrier"):
            self.ship_size = 5
            self.hits = [False, False, False, False, False]

    def draw(self):
        if (self.hidden):

    def is_sunk (self):
        if (False in self.hits):
            return False
        return True

    def fire (self, fire_grid_pos):
        if self.direction == 'horizontal':
            if (fire_grid_pos[0] >= self.grid_pos[0] and
                fire_grid_pos[0] < self.grid_pos[0]+self.ship_size and
                fire_grid_pos[1] == self.grid_pos[1]):
                self.hits[fire_grid_pos[0]-self.grid_pos[0]] = True
                return True
            if (fire_grid_pos[0] == self.grid_pos[0] and
                fire_grid_pos[1] >= self.grid_pos[1] and
                fire_grid_pos[1] < self.grid_pos[1]+self.ship_size):
                self.hits[fire_grid_pos[1]-self.grid_pos[1]] = True
                return True
        return False

    # Does this ship cover this grid_position
    def includes_grid_pos (self, check_grid_pos):
        # If first pos then return True
        if (self.grid_pos == check_grid_pos):
            return True
        # check x axis
        elif (self.direction == 'horizontal' and
            self.grid_pos[1] == check_grid_pos[1] and
            check_grid_pos[0] >= self.grid_pos[0] and
            check_grid_pos[0] < self.grid_pos[0] + self.ship_size):
            return True
        elif (self.direction == 'vertical' and
            self.grid_pos[0] == check_grid_pos[0] and
            check_grid_pos[1] >= self.grid_pos[1] and
            check_grid_pos[1] < self.grid_pos[1] + self.ship_size):
            return True
        else :
            return False

class Shot(Actor):

    def __init__ (self, hit, pos):

class Fleet:

    def __init__ (self, start_grid, grid_size, img_txt=""):
        self.start_grid = start_grid
        self.grid_size = grid_size
        self.ships = []
        self.grid = Grid(start_grid, grid_size)
        self.shots = []
        self.img_txt = img_txt

    def change_grid (self, start_grid, grid_size, img_txt=""):
        self.start_grid = start_grid
        self.grid_size = grid_size
        self.grid.start_grid = self.start_grid
        self.grid.grid_size = self.grid_size
        self.img_txt = img_txt

    # Is there a ship at this position that has sunk
    def is_ship_sunk_grid_pos (self, check_grid_pos):
        # find ship at that position
        for this_ship in self.ships:
            if (this_ship.includes_grid_pos(check_grid_pos)):
                return this_ship.is_sunk()
        # If there is no ship at this position then return False
        return False

    def add_ship (self, type, position, direction, img_txt="", grid_size=(38,38), hidden=False):
        self.ships.append(Ship(type, self.grid, position, direction, img_txt, grid_size, hidden))

    # check through ships to see if any still floating
    def all_sunk (self):
        for this_ship in self.ships:
            if not this_ship.is_sunk():
                return False
        return True

    # Draws entire fleet (each of the ships)
    def draw(self):
        for this_ship in self.ships:
        for this_shot in self.shots:

    def fire (self, pos):
        # Is this a hit
        for this_ship in self.ships:
            if (
                # Hit
                #check if this ship sunk
                if this_ship.is_sunk():
                    # Ship sunk so make it visible
                    this_ship.hidden = False
                return True
        return False

    def reset(self):
        self.ships = []
        self.shots = []

# Provides Ai Player
class Player:

    NA = 0
    MISS = 1
    HIT = 2

    def __init__ (self):
        # Own grid for positioning own ships
        # Set to hit where a ship is positioned
        self.owngrid = [ [Player.NA for y in range(10)] for x in range(10) ]

    def check_ship_fit (self, ship_size, direction, start_pos):
        #print ("Checking {} {} {}".format(ship_size, direction, start_pos))
        if (direction == "horizontal"):
            # Check if it won't fit on the grid
            # -1 as start_pos is included in the size
            if ((start_pos[0] + ship_size -1) > 9):
                return False
            # check that there are no ships in the way
            # range goes to one less than max size - so no need for the -1
            for x_pos in range(start_pos[0],start_pos[0]+ship_size):
                if (self.owngrid[x_pos][start_pos[1]] == Player.HIT):
                    return False
            return True
        # Otherwise vertical
            # Check if it won't fit on the grid
            # -1 as start_pos is included in the size
            if ((start_pos[1] + ship_size -1) > 9):
                return False
            # check that there are no ships in the way
            # range goes to one less than max size - so no need for the -1
            for y_pos in range (start_pos[1],start_pos[1]+ship_size):
                if (self.owngrid[start_pos[0]][y_pos] == Player.HIT):
                    return False
            return True

    # Place ship is used during ship placement
    # Updates grid with location of ship
    def place_ship (self, ship_size, direction, start_pos):
        if (direction == "horizontal"):
            for x_pos in range (start_pos[0],start_pos[0]+ship_size):
                self.owngrid[x_pos][start_pos[1]] = Player.HIT
        # otherwise vertical
            for y_pos in range (start_pos[1],start_pos[1]+ship_size):
                self.owngrid[start_pos[0]][y_pos] = Player.HIT

    def reset(self):
        self.owngrid = [ [Player.NA for y in range(10)] for x in range(10) ]

# Provides Ai Player
class PlayerAi(Player):

    def __init__ (self):
        # Create 2 dimension list with no shots fired
        # access using [x value][y value]
        # Pre-populate with not checked
        self.shots = [ [Player.NA for y in range(10)] for x in range(10) ]
        # Hit ship is the position of the first successful hit on a ship
        self.hit_ship = None

    def fire_shot(self):
        # If not targetting hit ship
        if (self.hit_ship == None):
            return (self.get_random())
            # Have scored a hit - so find neighbouring positions
            # copy hit_ship into separate values to make easier to follow
            hit_x = self.hit_ship[0]
            hit_y = self.hit_ship[1]
            # Try horizontal if not at edge
            if (hit_x < 9):
                for x in range (hit_x+1,10):
                    if (self.shots[x][hit_y] == Player.NA):
                        return (x,hit_y)
                    if (self.shots[x][hit_y] == Player.MISS):
            if (hit_x > 0):
                for x in range (hit_x-1,-1, -1):
                    if (self.shots[x][hit_y] == Player.NA):
                        return (x,hit_y)
                    if (self.shots[x][hit_y] == Player.MISS):
            if (hit_y < 9):
                for y in range (hit_y+1,10):
                    if (self.shots[hit_x][y] == Player.NA):
                        return (hit_x,y)
                    if (self.shots[hit_x][y] == Player.MISS):
            if (hit_y > 0):
                for y in range (hit_y-1,-1, -1):
                    if (self.shots[hit_x][y] == Player.NA):
                        return (hit_x,y)
                    if (self.shots[hit_x][y] == Player.MISS):
            # Catch all - shouldn't get this, but just in case guess random
            return (self.get_random())

    def fire_result(self, grid_pos, result):
        x_pos = grid_pos[0]
        y_pos = grid_pos[1]
        if (result == True):
            result_value = Player.HIT
            if (self.hit_ship == None):
                self.hit_ship = grid_pos
            result_value = Player.MISS
        self.shots[x_pos][y_pos] = result_value

    def get_random(self):
        # Copy only non used positions into a temporary list
        non_shots = []
        for x_pos in range (0,10):
            for y_pos in range (0,10):
                if self.shots[x_pos][y_pos] == Player.NA:
        return random.choice(non_shots)

    # Let Ai know that the last shot sunk a ship
    # list_pos is provided, but not currently used
    def ship_sunk(self, grid_pos):
        # reset hit ship
        self.hit_ship = None

    # Find a position for the ship -
    def position_ship (self, ship_size):
        # determine if horizontal or vertical
        direction = random.choice(["horizontal","vertical"])
        # Position where the ship starts
        grid_pos = [None, None]
        # Keep trying to find a place until successful
        while (grid_pos[0] == None):
            possible_positions = []
            # if horizontal first choose y axis
            if (direction == "horizontal"):
                y_pos = random.randint (0,9)
                # Find positions that the ship will fit
                for x_pos in range (0, 9-ship_size):
                    if (self.check_ship_fit(ship_size, direction, (x_pos, y_pos))):
                x_pos = random.randint (0,9)
                # Find positions that the ship will fit
                for y_pos in range (0, 9-ship_size):
                    if (self.check_ship_fit(ship_size, direction, (x_pos, y_pos))):
            # Did we find any possible positions?
            if (len(possible_positions)>0):
                position = random.choice(possible_positions)
                self.place_ship (ship_size, direction, position)
                return (direction, position)
            # if didn't get a match then try again

    def reset(self):
        self.shots = [ [Player.NA for y in range(10)] for x in range(10) ]

# Provides Ai Player
class PlayerHuman(Player):

    def __init__ (self):

# Default screen size - can be changed by config
WIDTH = 1280
HEIGHT  = 720
TITLE = "Battleships"

# Set SIZE_SML to True for small size (800 x 480)

# Set fullscreen

GRID_SIZE = (38,38)

# suffix for image
img_txt = ""

# Track if fullscreen
fullscreen_status = False

player = "player1setup"

grid_img_1 = Actor ("grid", topleft=(50,150))
grid_img_2 = Actor ("grid", topleft=(500,150))

# Uses start of grid (after grid labels)
own_fleet = Fleet((94,179), GRID_SIZE)
enemy_fleet = Fleet((544,179), GRID_SIZE)

# Player 2 represents the AI player

mouse_position = (0,0)

key_position = (1000, 150)

your_fleet_txt_pos = (100,100)
enemy_fleet_txt_pos = (550,100)

# list of different ship types
ship_list = [
    Actor("carrier", topleft=(key_position[0], key_position[1]+70)),
    Actor("battleship", topleft=(key_position[0], key_position[1]+150)),
    Actor("submarine", topleft=(key_position[0], key_position[1]+230)),
    Actor("cruiser", topleft=(key_position[0], key_position[1]+310)),
    Actor("destroyer", topleft=(key_position[0], key_position[1]+390))

ship_list_text = [
    ("Carrier (5)", (key_position[0], key_position[1]+40)),
    ("Battleship (4)", (key_position[0], key_position[1]+120)),
    ("Submarine (3)", (key_position[0], key_position[1]+200)),
    ("Cruiser (3)", (key_position[0], key_position[1]+280)),
    ("Destroyer (2)", (key_position[0], key_position[1]+360))

def setup ():
    global player_ships, placing_ship, placing_ship_direction
    # configure is used to read config
    # after this will know screen size

    # Add Ai ships - start with largest
    # position ship takes ship size and returns direction, position
    hide_ship = True
    this_ship = player2.position_ship(5)
    enemy_fleet.add_ship("carrier",this_ship[1],this_ship[0], img_txt, GRID_SIZE, hide_ship)
    this_ship = player2.position_ship(4)
    enemy_fleet.add_ship("battleship",this_ship[1],this_ship[0], img_txt, GRID_SIZE, hide_ship)
    this_ship = player2.position_ship(3)
    enemy_fleet.add_ship("submarine",this_ship[1],this_ship[0], img_txt, GRID_SIZE, hide_ship)
    this_ship = player2.position_ship(3)
    enemy_fleet.add_ship("cruiser",this_ship[1],this_ship[0], img_txt, GRID_SIZE, hide_ship)
    this_ship = player2.position_ship(2)
    enemy_fleet.add_ship("destroyer",this_ship[1],this_ship[0], img_txt, GRID_SIZE, hide_ship)

    player_ships = {
        "carrier" : 5,
        "battleship" : 4,
        "cruiser" : 3,
        "submarine" : 3,
        "destroyer": 2 }
    placing_ship = "carrier"
    placing_ship_direction = "horizontal"

def configure():
    global WIDTH, HEIGHT, GRID_SIZE, img_txt, grid_img_1, grid_img_2, your_fleet_txt_pos, enemy_fleet_txt_pos
    if (SIZE_SML == False):
    img_txt = "_sml"

    grid_img_1.image = "grid"+img_txt
    grid_img_2.image = "grid"+img_txt
    grid_img_1.topleft = (60, 140)
    grid_img_2.topleft = (420, 140)

    your_fleet_txt_pos = (80, 90)
    enemy_fleet_txt_pos = (440, 90)

    own_fleet.change_grid((91, 163), GRID_SIZE, img_txt)
    enemy_fleet.change_grid((451, 163), GRID_SIZE, img_txt)

def draw():
    global fullscreen_status
    if (FULLSCREEN == True and fullscreen_status == False):
        screen.surface = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT), pygame.FULLSCREEN)
        fullscreen_status = True
    screen.draw.text("Battleships", fontsize=60, center=(WIDTH/2,50), shadow=(1,1), color=(255,255,255), scolor=(32,32,32))
    screen.draw.text("Your fleet", fontsize=40, topleft=your_fleet_txt_pos, color=(255,255,255))
    screen.draw.text("The enemy fleet", fontsize=40, topleft=enemy_fleet_txt_pos, color=(255,255,255))
    if (player == "gameover1"):
        screen.draw.text("Game Over\nYou won", fontsize=60, center=(WIDTH/2,HEIGHT/2), shadow=(1,1), color=(255,255,255), scolor=(32,32,32))
    elif (player == "gameover2"):
        screen.draw.text("Game Over\nYou lost!", fontsize=60, center=(WIDTH/2,HEIGHT/2), shadow=(1,1), color=(255,255,255), scolor=(32,32,32))
    elif (player == "player1setup"):
        screen.draw.text("Place your ships", fontsize=40, center=(WIDTH/2,650), color=(255,255,255))
        if (own_fleet.grid.check_in_grid(mouse_position)):
            if (placing_ship_direction == "horizontal"):
                preview_width = (GRID_SIZE[0] * player_ships[placing_ship]) - 4
                preview_height = GRID_SIZE[1] - 4
                preview_width = GRID_SIZE[0] - 4
                preview_height = (GRID_SIZE[1] * player_ships[placing_ship]) - 4
            # Show approx position of ship (slightly offset to top left)
            screen.draw.rect(Rect((mouse_position[0]-2, mouse_position[1]-2),(preview_width,preview_height)), (128,128,128))
        screen.draw.text("Aim and fire", fontsize=40, center=(WIDTH/2,650), color=(255,255,255))
    # Only show key if screen is wider than 1200
    if (WIDTH >= 1200):
        for ship_key_img in ship_list:
        screen.draw.text("Ships", topleft=key_position, fontsize=38)
        for ship_text in ship_list_text:
            screen.draw.text(ship_text[0], topleft=ship_text[1])

def update():
    global player
    if keyboard.q:
    if (player == "player1setup"):

    if (player == "player2"):
        grid_pos = player2.fire_shot()
        # Ai uses list position - but grid uses grid
        result =
        player2.fire_result (grid_pos, result)
        # If ship sunk then inform Ai player
        if (result == True):
            if (own_fleet.is_ship_sunk_grid_pos(grid_pos)):
                # As a ship is sunk - check to see if all ships are sunk
                if own_fleet.all_sunk():
                    player = "gameover2"

        # If reach here then not gameover, so switch back to main player
        player = "player1"

# Track position of mouse, needed during ship placement
def on_mouse_move(pos):
        global mouse_position
        mouse_position = (pos)

def on_mouse_down(pos, button):
    global player, player_ships, placing_ship, placing_ship_direction
    if (player == "player1setup"):
        if (button == mouse.RIGHT):
            if (placing_ship_direction == "horizontal"):
                placing_ship_direction = "vertical"
                placing_ship_direction = "horizontal"
        elif (button == mouse.LEFT):
            # Click to place_ship
            # Check if no grid
            if (own_fleet.grid.check_in_grid(mouse_position)):
                # convert to grid position
                grid_pos = own_fleet.grid.get_grid_pos(mouse_position)
                # check it fits and reserve space
                if (player1.check_ship_fit(player_ships[placing_ship], placing_ship_direction, grid_pos)):
                    player1.place_ship(player_ships[placing_ship], placing_ship_direction, grid_pos)
                    # Create the ship object
                    own_fleet.add_ship(placing_ship,grid_pos,placing_ship_direction, img_txt, GRID_SIZE)
                    # Remove from list of ships to add_ship
                    # If more ships to place_ship
                    if (len (player_ships) > 0):
                        # Get next ship to add
                        placing_ship = next(iter(player_ships))
                        placing_ship_direction = "horizontal"
                        # When completed adding ships switch to play

    if (button != mouse.LEFT):
    if (player == "player1"):
        if (enemy_fleet.grid.check_in_grid(pos)):
            grid_location = enemy_fleet.grid.get_grid_pos(pos)
            if enemy_fleet.all_sunk():
                player = "gameover1"
                # switch to player 2
                player = "player2"
    elif (player == "gameover1" or player == "gameover2"):
        player = "player1setup"
