Compass Game
Licensed under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3.
Original Python code
# Compass Game - PyGame Zero
# This is licensed under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3
# See : h
# If running on a computer that doesn't include . in the Python Search Path
# Includes Raspbian on x86
import sys
import math
import os
from os import listdir
import pickle
import random
import re
import subprocess
import time
import pygame
from pygame import Surface, Rect
import pgzero
from import Actor
from pgzero.constants import keys as keycodes
from pgzero.keyboard import *
from pgzero.rect import Rect
import yaml
# Card is based on an Actor (uses inheritance)
class PlayerActor(Actor):
# Status can be normal or hidden
status = 'normal'
# Direction that player is facing
direction = 'down'
# walking position of player (number from 1 to 4 represent position of feet)
player_step_position = 1
# num moves per step (ie don't move feet if less than this)
# If set too low then legs will move really fast - default 5
step_delay = 5
# track number of moves per step
player_step_count = 0
# theme is image number
def __init__(self, theme, theme_num, player_image_format, screen_width, screen_height):
self.theme = theme
self.theme_num = theme_num
self.player_image_format = player_image_format
self.screen_width = screen_width
self.screen_height = screen_height
# Call Actor constructor (center the Actor)
Actor.__init__(self, self.getImage(), (self.screen_width / 2, self.screen_height / 2))
# Override Actor.draw
def draw(self):
if (self.status == 'hidden'):
def hide(self):
self.status = 'hidden'
# When unhide set it to back image
def unhide (self):
self.status = 'normal'
def isHidden (self):
if self.status == 'hidden':
return True
return False
def reset (self):
def toString(self):
def setPosition(self, x, y):
self.x = x
self.y = y
# Sets direction and also resets player_step_count
def setDirection(self, direction):
self.direction = direction
self.player_step_count = 0
self.player_step_position = 1
self.image = self.getImage()
def getDirection(self):
return self.direction
def equals (self, othercard):
if == othercard.toString():
return True
return False
# Move Actor also handles image change
def moveActor(self, direction, distance = 5):
if (direction == 'up'):
self.y -= distance
if (direction == 'right'):
self.x += distance
if (direction == 'down'):
self.y += distance
if (direction == 'left'):
self.x -= distance
# Check not moved past the edge of the screen
if (self.y <= 30):
self.y = 30
if (self.x <= 12):
self.x = 12
if (self.y >= self.screen_height - 30):
self.y = self.screen_height - 30
if (self.x >= self.screen_width - 12):
self.x = self.screen_width - 12
# gets image based on status of player
def getImage(self):
return self.player_image_format.format(self.theme, self.theme_num, self.direction, self.player_step_position)
def isJumpDuck(self):
if (self.direction == 'jump' or self.direction == 'duck'):
return True
return False
def updImage(self, new_direction):
# Check for duck and jump as don't increment digit & image - we just have one duck / jump image
if (self.direction == new_direction and (self.direction == 'duck' or self.direction == 'jump')):
# If change in direction
if (self.direction != new_direction) :
self.player_step_count = 0
else :
self.player_step_count += 1
if (self.player_step_count >= 4 * self.step_delay):
self.player_step_count = 0
# set the direction to be the new direction
self.direction = new_direction
self.player_step_position = math.floor(self.player_step_count / self.step_delay) +1
self.image = self.getImage()
# Theme and theme_num must be a tuple (which is what CustomCharacter.getTheme() returns)
def setTheme(self, theme_tuple):
self.theme = theme_tuple[0]
self.theme_num = theme_tuple[1]
def reset(self):
self.score = 0
self.level_actions_complete = 0
self.direction = 'down'
self.player_step_position = 1
self.player_step_count = 0
# Simple count down timer, based on system clock
class Timer():
# Debug allows print statements to monitor changes
# Use for debugging higher level code
# Only enable for the particular timer that you need to debug
def __init__(self, set_time, debug=False):
self.default_time = set_time # default_time is what we revert to when reset
self.set_time = set_time
self.start_time = time.time()
self.debug = debug
# start count down, with optional parameter to replace the start_time value
# -1 is used as a "magic number", this method should only be called with positive number
# if it isn't given a number then -1 indicates no new time give
def startCountDown(self, new_time = -1):
if (new_time >= 0):
self.set_time = new_time
self.start_time = time.time()
self.printDebug("Timer started")
# Set count down to expired by setting start time in the past
def expireCountDown(self):
self.start_time = time.time() - self.set_time
# Returns time remaining note full accuracy - if need only seconds use math.floor
def getTimeRemaining(self):
# Set time - diff start and current time (as current time is bigger)
current_time = self.set_time + self.start_time - time.time()
self.printDebug("Time remaining: "+str(current_time))
if (current_time <= 0):
return 0
return current_time
def resetToDefault(self):
# Return the default (ie normal start time)
def getDefaultTime(self):
return self.default_time
# Return the current start time
def getSetTime(self):
return self.set_time
def enableDebug(self):
self.debug = True
def disableDebug(self):
self.debug = False
def printDebug(self, extra=""):
if (not self.debug):
print ("Timer set = "+str(self.set_time)+" Timer time = "+str(self.start_time)+" "+extra)
# Status is tracked as a number, but to make the code readable constants are used
# Note the actual number isn't important, but the order is as may use > or <
# Those with # * in the comments are used to determine higher state
STATUS_PRE_GAME = 0 # * Used to delimit before game starts
STATUS_TITLE = 1 # Title screen
STATUS_MENU_START = 10 # * Used to delimit the menu
STATUS_MENU_END = 19 # * End of Menu
STATUS_NEW = 30 # * Game is ready to start, but not running
STATUS_END = 50 # * End of game reached
STATUS_SHOW_SCORE = 51 # End message is displayed ready to restart
# Number of actions to complete before moving up to the next level
# Default = 30 (change for debugging)
# Number of seconds to display high score before allowing click to continue
# Number of seconds when the timer starts
class GamePlay:
# These are what we need to track
score = 0
level = 0
# This is the timer we use for counting down time
game_timer = Timer(TIMER_START)
# Timer for game pauses
timer_pause = Timer(PAUSE_TIME)
# user pause is pause waiting on user (eg. to click)
# Can be True (paused) or False (unpaused)
user_pause = False
# Set a default target (but this will be updated when random direction generated)
target = 'south'
# Message to display when paused / level up etc.
game_message = ""
# Track number of actions caught within this level - used to determine decay and next level
level_actions_complete = 0
# Must be initialized with a game_timer timer (of Timer class) and dictionary with action_text instructions
def __init__(self, action_text):
self.action_text = action_text
# Set initial target move
def setShowScore(self):
self.status = STATUS_SHOW_SCORE
def isShowScore(self):
if (self.status == STATUS_SHOW_SCORE):
return True
return False
# Only returns true if STATUS_SHOW_SCORE and timer expired
def isScoreShown(self):
if (self.status == STATUS_SHOW_SCORE and self.timer_pause.getTimeRemaining() <= 0):
return True
return False
# If game has not yet started
def isNewGame(self):
if self.status == STATUS_NEW:
return True
return False
def isTitleScreen(self):
if self.status == STATUS_TITLE:
return True
return False
def isGameOver(self):
if self.status == STATUS_END:
return True
return False
def setGameOver(self):
# Add short timer for game over to ensure
# player gets to see high score
self.status = STATUS_END
def isGameRunning(self):
if (self.status >= STATUS_PLAYER1_START and self.status < STATUS_END):
return True
return False
def startNewGame(self):
self.status = STATUS_NEW
# Resets and start the timer
self.status = STATUS_PLAYER1_START
# Point scored, so add score and get next move
# Update level if required then return level number
def scorePoint(self):
self.score += 1
self.level_actions_complete += 1
# Update timer - subtracting timer decrement for each point scored
timer_start = self.game_timer.getSetTime() # current timer start
# Timer update to extend a little due to difficulty
new_timer_time = timer_start + 2.5 - (timer_start * (self.level_actions_complete / (self.level_actions_complete + 10)))
# Don't want new timer to be larger than previous
if (new_timer_time > timer_start):
new_timer_time = timer_start
# Check to see if the user has scored enough to move up a level
if (self.level_actions_complete >= NEXT_LEVEL_ACTIONS):
self.level += 1
self.level_actions_complete = 0
return self.level
def getScore(self):
return self.score
# Returns level number - or 0 if not in play
def getLevel(self):
if (self.isGameRunning()):
return self.level
return 0
# Return status, unless not running
def getStateString(self):
if (self.isGameRunning()):
return self.action_text[]
return ("Not running")
def getGameMessage(self):
return self.game_message
# If game paused normally then decrement
# If game 0 then return False - no longer paused
# Otherwise return True
def isTimerPause(self):
if (self.timer_pause.getTimeRemaining() > 0):
return True
return False
# Specifically looks if the user has paused (ie game_pause = -1)
def isUserPause(self):
return self.user_pause
# Set pause to number of updates (approx 60 per second)
# Or set to 0 for no pause
# Don't use for user pause (as may change in future)
def setTimerPause(self, time):
def startTimerPause(self):
# Pause waiting on user - True = pause, False = not pause
def setUserPause(self, status=True):
self.game_pause = status
def getCurrentMove(self):
# Update to next move and return
#Get next direction / jump / duck
def getNextMove(self):
move_choices = ['north', 'south', 'east', 'west', 'jump', 'duck'] = random.choice(move_choices)
def setGameMessage(self, message):
self.game_message = message
def getGameMessage(self):
return self.game_message
def getTimeRemaining(self):
return self.game_timer.getTimeRemaining()
def setMenu(self, first_run = False):
self.status = STATUS_MENU_START
# If first run then don't use timer so can move cursor straight away
if (first_run):
def isMenu(self):
if (self.status >= STATUS_MENU_START and self.status <= STATUS_MENU_END):
return True
return False
def setSubCommand(self, sub_command):
self.sub_command = sub_command
def isSubCommand(self):
if self.status == STATUS_SUBCOMMAND:
return True
return False
def getSubCommand(self):
if self.status == STATUS_SUBCOMMAND:
return self.sub_command
return None
# Gets the current status as a number - use for debugging only
def getStatusNum(self):
return self.status
# Reset game to level
def reset(self):
self.level_actions_complete = 0
self.score = 0
self.level = 1
# Holds and stores the selected controls
# Works by having a method for each of the controls which tests if any selected
# Allows multiple key options for each key (eg. space and enter for jump / duck)
# Default keys provide a way to restore keys if they are corrupt
# either by deleting the config file, or from the command line
default_keys = {
'escape' : [keys.ESCAPE],
'jump': [keys.RETURN, keys.RSHIFT, keys.LCTRL],
'duck': [keys.SPACE, keys.LSHIFT],
'up': [keys.UP, keys.W],
'down': [keys.DOWN, keys.S],
'left': [keys.LEFT, keys.A],
'right': [keys.RIGHT, keys.D],
'pause': [keys.P]
class GameControls:
def __init__(self, filename):
self.filename = filename
self.configured_keys = default_keys.copy()
# Controls (if it exists) is a pickle file
def loadControls(self):
with open(self.filename, 'rb') as infile:
self.configured_keys = pickle.load(infile)
self.configured_keys = default_keys.copy()
# Replaces current file with configured_keys
def saveControls(self):
with open(self.filename, "wb") as outfile:
pickle.dump (self.configured_keys, outfile, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
except Exception (e):
print ("Save custom controls failed")
print (str(e))
# Returns True if the key is pressed, else false
def isPressed(self, keyboard, key):
for this_key in self.configured_keys[key]:
if keyboard[this_key]:
return True
return False
# Same as isPressed, but can test for multiple keys
# keys must be array
def isOrPressed(self, keyboard, keys):
for i in range (0,len(keys)):
for this_key in self.configured_keys[keys[i]]:
if keyboard[this_key]:
return True
return False
def getKeys(self):
return self.configured_keys
def getKeyString(self,index):
return_string = ""
for this_entry in self.configured_keys[index]:
return_string += str(this_entry)+" "
return return_string
def setKey(self, key, keycode):
self.configured_keys[key] = [keycode]
class HighScore():
background_img = "background_settings_01"
# If set to true then print error message to console if unable to write to high score file
debug = True
# Values is score as int and names is name of user (3 initials)
# Must be ordered high to low
high_score_values = []
high_score_names = []
max_entries = 10
# Mode is normally display except when adding new score
# in which case it is set to edit, then save when updating
mode = 'display'
def __init__(self, game_controls, filename):
self.game_controls = game_controls
self.filename = filename
# Setup high score when created
# Timer restrict keyboard movements to fraction of second (prevent multiple presses)
self.pause_timer = Timer(0.2)
# indicate we change to this display mode
# starts timer to prevent next click exit
def select(self):
# Reads high scores from file and stores as lists
def loadHighScore(self):
# Open file if it already exists
file = open(self.filename, 'r')
entries = file.readlines()
for line in entries:
(this_name, this_score_str) = line.split(',' , 1)
this_score_num = int(this_score_str)
file_exists = True
except Exception as e:
# Unable to read to file - warn to console
if (self.debug == True):
print ("Unable to read file "+self.filename+" high scores will be reset\n"+str(e))
# If either doesn't exist or is corrupt add single dummy entry
# Checks if high score is achieved
def checkHighScore(self, new_score):
# first make sure we have a score, otherwise don't enter
if (new_score < 1):
return False
# Check if we have space - if so then always a high score
if (len(self.high_score_values) < self.max_entries):
return True
# Check if high score is higher than last entry
if (new_score > self.high_score_values[self.max_entries-1]):
return True
return False
# Initiates enter name mode
def setHighScore(self, new_score):
self.mode = 'edit'
self.new_score = new_score
# Name is initials - list of 3 characters
self.new_name = ['-','-','-']
self.char_selected = 0
def saveHighScore(self):
with open(self.filename, 'w') as file:
for i in range (0,len(self.high_score_values)):
except Exception as e:
# Unable to write to file - warn to console
if (self.debug == True):
print ("Unable to write to file "+self.filename+" high scores will not be saved\n"+str(e))
def draw(self, screen):
screen.blit(self.background_img, (0,0))
screen.draw.text('High Scores', fontsize=60, center=(400,50), shadow=(1,1), color=(255,255,255), scolor="#202020")
y_pos = 120
if (self.mode == 'edit'):
screen.draw.text('New High Score '+str(self.new_score), fontsize=40, center=(400,120), color=(255,0,0))
# Set colour for characters (so selected one is different colour)
# Done using array
char_colours = [(255,0,0),(255,0,0),(255,0,0)]
char_colours[self.char_selected] = (0,0,0)
# Three characters for new name
screen.draw.text(self.new_name[0], fontsize=40, center=(380,180), color=char_colours[0])
# Three characters for new name
screen.draw.text(self.new_name[1], fontsize=40, center=(400,180), color=char_colours[1])
# Three characters for new name
screen.draw.text(self.new_name[2], fontsize=40, center=(420,180), color=char_colours[2])
y_pos = 240
self.showScores(screen, (200,y_pos))
# Draws scores directly onto screen. pos is the top left of the scores
def showScores(self,screen, pos):
screen.draw.text('Rank', fontsize=30, topleft=(pos[0],pos[1]), color=(0,0,0))
screen.draw.text('Name', fontsize=30, topleft=(pos[0]+150,pos[1]), color=(0,0,0))
screen.draw.text('Score', fontsize=30, topleft=(pos[0]+300,pos[1]), color=(0,0,0))
for i in range (0,len(self.high_score_values)):
screen.draw.text(str(i+1), fontsize=30, topleft=(pos[0],pos[1]+25+(20*i)), color=(0,0,0))
screen.draw.text(self.high_score_names[i], fontsize=30, topleft=(pos[0]+150,pos[1]+25+(20*i)), color=(0,0,0))
screen.draw.text(str(self.high_score_values[i]), fontsize=30, topright=(pos[0]+350,pos[1]+25+(20*i)), color=(0,0,0))
def update(self, keyboard):
if (self.pause_timer.getTimeRemaining() > 0):
return 'highscore'
# If mouse clicked then exit to menu
if (self.mode == 'clicked'):
self.mode = 'display'
return 'menu'
if (self.mode == 'edit'):
# Editing
if (self.game_controls.isPressed(keyboard,'up')):
self.new_name[self.char_selected] = self.charIncrement(self.new_name[self.char_selected])
if (self.game_controls.isPressed(keyboard,'down')):
self.new_name[self.char_selected] = self.charDecrement(self.new_name[self.char_selected])
if (self.game_controls.isPressed(keyboard,'left')) :
if (self.char_selected > 0) :
self.char_selected -= 1
if (self.game_controls.isPressed(keyboard,'right')) :
if (self.char_selected < 2) :
self.char_selected += 1
# If save chosen (map / jump / enter)
if (self.game_controls.isOrPressed(keyboard,['jump','duck'])):
self.mode = 'display'
return 'menu'
return 'highscore'
if (self.game_controls.isOrPressed(keyboard,['jump','duck'])):
return 'menu'
return 'highscore'
def mouse_move (self,pos):
def mouse_click (self,pos):
# mouse click returns to main menu
self.mode = 'clicked'
def updHighScoreList(self):
added = False
# Go down the list until we find an entry that is smaller and insert there
for i in range (0,len(self.high_score_values)):
if (self.high_score_values[i] < self.new_score):
added = True
# If added is still false then need to add it to the bottom
if (added == False):
# If have more than max then drop the last entry
if (len(self.high_score_values) > self.max_entries):
# If last entry is score 0 then drop that as well (dummy entry)
if (self.high_score_values[-1] == 0):
#### To keep characters scrolling simple for user we only allow capital letters, numbers and -
def charIncrement (self, current_char):
if (current_char == '-') :
return ('A')
if (current_char == 'Z') :
return ('0')
if (current_char == '9') :
return ('-')
return chr(ord(current_char) + 1)
def charDecrement (self, current_char):
if (current_char == '-') :
return ('9')
if (current_char == 'A') :
return ('-')
if (current_char == '0') :
return ('Z')
return chr(ord(current_char) - 1)
# Used by GameMenu
class MenuItem:
page = ''
# Text is the text label to show to the user
# command is instruction to run or label of submenu (eg. 'instructions')
# menu_type is what kind of entry it is eg. 'submenu', 'command'(return string), 'textpage' or 'subcommand' (command run within the menu)
def __init__ (self, text, command, menu_type):
self.text = text
self.command = command
self.menu_type = menu_type
def getText(self):
return self.text
def getCommand(self):
return self.command
def getMenuType(self):
return self.menu_type
def setPage(self, text): = text
# Only available for textpage
def getPage(self):
if self.menu_type != 'textpage':
return ""
# Status values
class GameMenu:
# Menu item details, perhaps consider putting this in a configuration
# file in future
menu_items = [
MenuItem('Start game', 'start', 'command'),
MenuItem('Instructions', 'instructions', 'textpage'),
MenuItem('Customize character', 'character', 'subcommand'),
MenuItem('Game controls', 'controls', 'subcommand'),
MenuItem('View high scores', 'highscore', 'subcommand'),
MenuItem('Credits', 'credits', 'textpage'),
MenuItem('Quit', 'quit', 'command')
# Dictionary of text pages for menu entries
# Note currently no word wrapping - needs \n to be added in advance
menu_pages = {
'instructions':"INSTRUCTIONS\n\nFollow the direction at the top centre\nof the screen.\n\nMove the character using a joystick (Picade)\n or cursor keys (keyboard).\nPress top button or SPACE to duck\nPress RIGHT SHIFT to view the map\n\nAvoid the obstacles that appear on later levels\n",
'credits':"CREDITS\n\nCreate by Stewart Watkiss\nMade available under GPL v3 License\nSee:"
menu_spacing = 50 # distance between menu items
top_spacing = 20 # distance between top of menu and start of menu
left_spacing = 20 # distance between left and text for page text / command text
menu_font_size = 45 # size of font for menu items
menu_font_page = 32 # size of font for text page display
status = STATUS_MENU # Track whether to display menu or in menu etc.
# Requires width and height - these can be the same as the screen or smaller if need to constrain menu
# Offset and border determine distance from origin of screen and any fixed area to avoid respectively
def __init__(self, game_controls, width, height, offset=(0,0), border=100):
self.game_controls = game_controls
self.width = width # width of screen
self.height = height # height of screen
self.offset = offset # tuple x,y for offset from start of screen
self.border = border # single value same for x and y
# Start position of the menu area and size
self.start_pos = (self.offset[0]+self.border, self.offset[1]+self.border)
self.size = (self.width-2*self.start_pos[0], self.height-2*self.start_pos[1])
# Create a menu surface - this involves using pygame surface feature (rather than through pygame zero)
# Allows for more advanced features such as alpha adjustment (partial transparency)
self.menu_surface = Surface(self.size)
# 75% opacity
# Position of rect is 0,0 relative to the surface, not the screen
self.menu_box = Rect((0,0),self.size)
# Uses pygame rect so we can add it to own surface
self.menu_rect = pygame.draw.rect(self.menu_surface , (200,200,200), self.menu_box)
self.menu_pos = 0 # Tracks which menu item is selected
# Timer restrict keyboard movements to prevent multiple presses
self.menu_timer = Timer(0.12)
# Finish setting up MenuItems
# At the moment this doesn't provide much extra functionality, but by
# placing it into the MenuItem object then makes it easier if we load
# MenuItems from a configuration file in future
for i in range (0,len(self.menu_items)):
if self.menu_items[i].getCommand() in self.menu_pages:
# Update menu based on keyboard direction
# If return is 'menu' then still in menu, so don't update anything else
# If return is 'quit' then quit the application
# Any other return is next instruction
def update(self, keyboard):
# set status_selected if menu status changed (through mouse click or press)
selected_command_type = ""
selected_command = ""
# check if status is clicked - which means mouse was pressed on a valid entry
if (self.status == STATUS_CLICKED):
selected_command_type = self.menu_items[self.menu_pos].getMenuType()
selected_command = self.menu_items[self.menu_pos].getCommand()
self.status = STATUS_MENU
# check if we are in menu timer in which case return until expired
elif (self.menu_timer.getTimeRemaining() > 0):
return 'menu'
elif (self.game_controls.isPressed(keyboard,'up') and self.menu_pos>0):
if (self.status == STATUS_MENU):
self.menu_pos -= 1
elif (self.game_controls.isPressed(keyboard,'down') and self.menu_pos<len(self.menu_items)-1):
if (self.status == STATUS_MENU):
self.menu_pos += 1
elif (self.game_controls.isOrPressed(keyboard,['jump','duck'])):
if (self.status == STATUS_MENU):
selected_command_type = self.menu_items[self.menu_pos].getMenuType()
selected_command = self.menu_items[self.menu_pos].getCommand()
# If click was on text page then return to main menu
elif (self.status == STATUS_PAGE):
selected_command_type = 'menu'
self.status = STATUS_MENU
elif (self.game_controls.isPressed(keyboard,'escape')):
selected_command_type = 'command'
selected_command = 'quit'
# If a menu object was clicked / chosen then handle
if (selected_command_type == 'command'):
# Reset menu to start position
return selected_command
elif (selected_command_type == 'textpage'):
self.status = STATUS_PAGE
return 'menu'
elif (selected_command_type == 'subcommand'):
return selected_command
return 'menu'
def show(self, screen):
# Create a rectangle across the area - provides transparancy
# draw directly onto the screen draw surface (transparency doesn't apply)
if (self.status == STATUS_MENU):
elif (self.status == STATUS_PAGE):
def showMenu(self, screen):
for menu_num in range (0,len(self.menu_items)):
if (menu_num == self.menu_pos):
background_color = (255,255,255)
background_color = None
screen.draw.text(self.menu_items[menu_num].getText(), fontsize=self.menu_font_size, midtop=(self.width/2,self.offset[1]+self.border+(self.menu_spacing*menu_num)+self.top_spacing), color=(0,0,0), background=background_color)
# Shows a page of text
def showPage(self, screen):
page_text = self.menu_items[self.menu_pos].getPage()
screen.draw.text(page_text, fontsize=self.menu_font_page, topleft=(self.offset[0]+self.border+self.left_spacing,self.offset[1]+self.border+self.top_spacing), color=(0,0,0))
def mouse_move(self, pos):
if (self.status == STATUS_MENU):
return_val = self.get_mouse_menu_pos(pos)
if return_val != -1:
self.menu_pos = return_val
def mouse_click(self, pos):
if (self.status == STATUS_MENU):
return_val = self.get_mouse_menu_pos(pos)
if return_val != -1:
self.menu_pos = return_val
self.status = STATUS_CLICKED
# If click from text page then return to menu
elif (self.status == STATUS_PAGE):
self.status = STATUS_MENU
def reset(self):
self.menu_pos = 0
self.status = STATUS_MENU
# Checks if mouse is over menu and if so returns menu position
# Otherwise returns -1
def get_mouse_menu_pos (self, pos):
if (pos[0] > self.start_pos[0] and pos[1] > self.start_pos[1] + self.top_spacing and pos[0] < self.start_pos[0] + self.size[0] and pos[1] < self.start_pos[1] + self.size[1]):
start_y = self.start_pos[1] + self.top_spacing
for this_menu_pos in range(0,len(self.menu_items)):
if (pos[1] - start_y >= this_menu_pos * self.menu_spacing and pos[1] - start_y <= (this_menu_pos * self.menu_spacing)+self.menu_spacing):
return this_menu_pos
# If not returned then not over menu
return -1
CFG_FILE_FORMAT = "person_{}_theme.cfg"
# Loads and provides information on the theme
class ThemeDetails:
# Keys is a list so it is indexed
# colour options is an dictionary with array of tuples
# don't change default colours - they belong to the theme
# instead update current_colours
def __init__(self, theme_dir):
self.theme_dir = theme_dir
self.theme_loaded = False
# Loads colour config file for person
def loadConfig (self, theme):
self.theme = theme
# Reset all these entries to prevent loading alongside existing
try :
filename = self.theme_dir+CFG_FILE_FORMAT.format(theme)
with open(filename, 'r') as yaml_file:
# theme_config is a dictionary
theme_config = yaml.load(yaml_file)
for key in theme_config['about']:
for key in theme_config['labels']:
for key in theme_config['default_colours']:
this_colour = tuple(map(int, theme_config['default_colours'][key].split(',')))
# These are array within a dictionary
for key in theme_config['colour_options']:
temp_array = theme_config['colour_options']
for this_colour_str in theme_config['colour_options'][key]:
this_colour = tuple(map(int, this_colour_str.split(',')))
self.custom_colours = self.default_colours.copy()
# Simple check - if we haven't raised an exception then theme loaded
# Doesn't check number of entries
self.theme_loaded = True
except Exception as e:
print ("Error loading theme "+theme)
print (str(e))
self.theme_loaded = False
# Return all the CustomColours
def getCustomColours(self):
return self.custom_colours
def isThemeLoaded(self):
return self.theme_loaded
def getTheme(self):
return self.theme
# Returns dict of short label = full string
def getLabels(self):
return self.labels
def getDefaultColour(self,key):
return self.default_colours[key]
# uses custom colours
def getColour(self,key):
return self.custom_colours[key]
def setColour(self,key, colour):
self.custom_colours[key] = colour
def getKeys(self):
return self.keys
def numKeys(self):
return len(self.keys)
# This should be the same for any, but no guarentee in future so allows key
def numColourOptions(self, key='default'):
return len(self.colour_options[key])
def getLabel(self, key):
return self.labels[key]
def getColourOptions(self, key):
if (key in self.colour_options):
return self.colour_options[key]
return self.colour_options['default']
# Directories relative to the application directory
THEME_DIR = "themes/"
IMAGE_DIR = "images/" # This is fixed for pgzero files
TEMP_DIR = "tmp/" # Use to create svgs before creating the png files
# Track state for the display
# 'main' is the main page, 'custom' is used to choose custom colours, 'clicked' used to handle mouse click
CONVERT_CMD = "/usr/bin/convert"
# {} is used to represent in and out files - uses .format
CONVERT_CMD_OPTS = " -resize 40x77 -background transparent {} {}"
class CustomCharacter:
background_img = "background_settings_01"
# Load default image for each actor to allow character selection
current_theme_actors = []
available_theme_actors = []
current_themes = [] # Stores tuple with theme and variation number - eg. (person1,2)
available_themes = []
current_actor_ypos = 220
custom_actor_ypos = 460
# Are we on top row (0 = current_characters) or bottom row (1 = customize characters)
selected_row = 0
# position of selection on the x axis
selected_col = 0
# Which row is selected when creating a custom entry
selected_row_custom = 0
# which colour col pos is selected (-1 = none)
selected_colour_custom = -1
# Default theme must be valid
theme = "person1"
theme_num = 0
# Class to hold details of theme from config file
theme_config = ThemeDetails(THEME_DIR)
# Track which character is shown on the left most position
char_left_pos = 0
status = STATUS_MAIN
def __init__ (self, game_controls, img_file_format):
self.game_controls = game_controls
self.img_file_format = img_file_format
# Create a regular expression to identify themes
# does not use \w as do not include _ character
# Look for image 0 (down 1) - other variants of the first number part is different colours
# Timer restrict keyboard movements to fraction of second to prevent multiple presses
self.pause_timer = Timer(0.12)
# Themes only need to be loaded once - they don't change except by downloading and installing
def loadThemes(self):
# Load the themes - only look in the SVG folder
theme_regexp_string = self.img_file_format.format("([a-zA-Z0-9]+)", "00", "down", "01")+".svg"
theme_regexp = re.compile(theme_regexp_string)
xpos = 100
for file in listdir(THEME_DIR):
matches = theme_regexp.match(file)
if (matches != None):
# uses group(0) for full filename, group(1) for theme name
# Add default image (theme 00 down 01) as actor
self.available_theme_actors.append(Actor(self.img_file_format.format(, "00", "down", "01"), (xpos,self.custom_actor_ypos)))
xpos += 100
# Previews are the current variations of the themes, these may be reloaded when a new custom character is created
def loadPreviews(self):
# Reset values from previous load
self.current_themes = []
self.current_theme_actors = []
# Load the different variations on the themes currently available
png_regexp_string = self.img_file_format.format("([a-zA-Z0-9]+)", "([0-9][0-9])", "down", "01")+".png"
png_regexp = re.compile(png_regexp_string)
xpos = 100
for file in listdir(IMAGE_DIR):
matches = png_regexp.match(file)
if (matches != None):
# uses group(0) for full filename, group(1) for theme name
self.current_theme_actors.append(Actor(self.img_file_format.format(,, "down", "01"), (xpos,self.current_actor_ypos)))
xpos += 100
def draw(self, screen):
if (self.status == STATUS_MAIN):
elif (self.status == STATUS_CUSTOM):
def drawCustom(self, screen):
screen.blit(self.background_img, (0,0))
screen.draw.text('Customize Character', fontsize=60, center=(400,50), shadow=(1,1), color=(255,255,255), scolor="#202020")
if (not self.theme_config.isThemeLoaded):
screen.draw.text('No config found for this theme, please choose a different theme', fontsize=40, topleft=(100,150), color=(255,0,0))
ypos = 100
list_keys = self.theme_config.getKeys()
for i in range(0,len(list_keys)):
key = list_keys[i]
screen.draw.text(self.theme_config.getLabel(key), fontsize=30, topleft=(100,ypos), color=(0,0,0))
if (i == self.selected_row_custom):
if (self.selected_colour_custom == -1):
self.drawColourBox(screen, True, self.theme_config.getColour(key), 300, ypos)
self.drawColourBox(screen, False, self.theme_config.getColour(key), 300, ypos)
# If a row selected then show colour options
self.showColourOptions (screen, key, 350, ypos)
self.drawColourBox(screen, False, self.theme_config.getColour(key), 300, ypos)
ypos += 50
# Add OK / Cancel buttons
if (self.selected_row_custom == self.theme_config.numKeys() and self.selected_colour_custom == -1):
screen.draw.text('Save', fontsize=30, center=(150,500), color=(0,0,0), background=(255,255,255))
screen.draw.text('Save', fontsize=30, center=(150,500), color=(0,0,0))
if (self.selected_row_custom == self.theme_config.numKeys() and self.selected_colour_custom > -1):
screen.draw.text('Cancel', fontsize=30, center=(300,500), color=(0,0,0), background=(255,255,255))
screen.draw.text('Cancel', fontsize=30, center=(300,500), color=(0,0,0))
# Draws box, if selected = True includes highlight
# x, y pos is the box without highlighting - with highligting it will be -2 from that value
def drawColourBox(self, screen, selected, colour, xpos, ypos):
if (selected):
# If cursor is on this position (-1) then highlight current colour
# Higlight with black and white so it will contrast with either colour
screen.draw.filled_rect(Rect((xpos,ypos),(24,24)), (0,0,0))
screen.draw.filled_rect(Rect((xpos-2,ypos-2),(24,24)), (255,255,255))
screen.draw.filled_rect(Rect((xpos,ypos),(20,20)), colour )
# Shows the available colours - part is what part of body / clothing
def showColourOptions(self, screen, part, xpos, ypos):
colour_options = self.theme_config.getColourOptions(part)
for i in range(0,len(colour_options)):
if (i == self.selected_colour_custom):
self.drawColourBox(screen, True, colour_options[i], xpos+(25*i), ypos)
self.drawColourBox(screen, False, colour_options[i], xpos+(25*i), ypos)
def drawMain(self, screen):
screen.blit(self.background_img, (0,0))
# Draw a box around the current character
# Get a rect same pos as character
# Done first so that it can be filled to make lines thicker
if (self.selected_row == 0):
highlight_rect = self.current_theme_actors[self.selected_col].copy()
elif (self.selected_row == 1):
highlight_rect = self.available_theme_actors[self.selected_col].copy()
screen.draw.filled_rect(highlight_rect, (255,255,255))
screen.draw.text('Custom Character', fontsize=60, center=(400,50), shadow=(1,1), color=(255,255,255), scolor="#202020")
screen.draw.text('Existing Character', fontsize=40, center=(400,120), shadow=(1,1), color=(255,255,255), scolor="#202020")
screen.draw.text('Customize Character', fontsize=40, center=(400,340), shadow=(1,1), color=(255,255,255), scolor="#202020")
for i in range (0,len(self.available_theme_actors)):
# Draws the custom chars
# First updates each of the actors with their current location then calls
# draw
def drawCustomChars(self):
xpos = 100
for i in range (self.char_left_pos,self.char_left_pos+7):
if (i >= len(self.current_theme_actors)):
self.current_theme_actors[i].x = xpos
xpos += 100
def update(self, keyboard):
if (self.pause_timer.getTimeRemaining() > 0):
# Control main screen
if (self.status == STATUS_MAIN):
# returns whatever updateMain returns - None if still in selection or menu if theme updated
return self.updateMain(keyboard)
elif (self.status == STATUS_CUSTOM):
self.status = self.updateCustom(keyboard)
if (self.status == STATUS_MAIN):
# If mouse clicked
elif (self.status == STATUS_CLICKED):
self.status = STATUS_MAIN
if (self.selected_row == 0):
(self.theme, self.theme_num) = self.current_themes[self.selected_col]
return 'menu'
elif (self.status == STATUS_PROGRESS):
# Reload the custom screen
self.status = STATUS_MAIN
# Update on customize screen
def updateCustom(self, keyboard):
if (keyboard.down):
self.selected_row_custom +=1
# If already on bottom row (Cancel / OK Button) then stay there and return
if (self.selected_row_custom > self.theme_config.numKeys()):
self.selected_row_custom = self.theme_config.numKeys()
# Whenever moving up or down reset to the current colour position (or OK button for bottom row)
self.selected_colour_custom = -1
# Row after colours is Cancel / OK button
if (self.selected_row_custom >= self.theme_config.numKeys()):
self.selected_row_custom = self.theme_config.numKeys()
if (self.game_controls.isPressed(keyboard,'up')):
self.selected_row_custom -=1
# Whenever moving up or down reset to the current colour position
self.selected_colour_custom = -1
# Row after colours is Cancel / OK button
if (self.selected_row_custom < 0):
self.selected_row_custom = 0
if (self.game_controls.isPressed(keyboard,'left')):
self.selected_colour_custom -= 1
if self.selected_colour_custom < -1:
self.selected_colour_custom = -1
if (self.game_controls.isPressed(keyboard,'right')):
# Reuse the colour for use by the Cancel button
if (self.selected_row_custom > self.theme_config.numKeys()):
self.selected_colour_customer = 0
self.selected_colour_custom += 1
if self.selected_colour_custom > self.theme_config.numColourOptions() -1:
self.selected_colour_custom = self.theme_config.numColourOptions() -1
if (self.game_controls.isOrPressed(keyboard,['jump', 'duck'])):
if (self.selected_row_custom < self.theme_config.numKeys()):
all_keys = self.theme_config.getKeys()
this_key = all_keys[self.selected_row_custom]
colour_options = self.theme_config.getColourOptions(this_key)
# update with the selected colour
# Here if it's a select on bottom row = Save or Cancel
# Cancel button selected
elif (self.selected_colour_custom > -1):
file_num = self.findNextNumber(self.customize_theme)
# Should only get this if over 100 entries for this theme
# so hopefully never - just returns back to the main customize screen, but prints to console (same as cancel)
if (file_num == 0):
print ("Unable to find next number for save file")
svg_regexp_string = self.img_file_format.format(self.customize_theme, "00", "([a-zA-Z0-9]+)", "([0-9][0-9])")+".svg"
svg_regexp = re.compile(svg_regexp_string)
# Store the different filenames in a list so that they can be used later
new_filenames = []
new_png_filenames = []
for file in listdir(THEME_DIR):
matches = svg_regexp.match(file)
if (matches != None):
two_digit_str = "{:02d}".format(file_num)
new_filename = self.img_file_format.format(self.customize_theme, two_digit_str,,".svg"
new_png_filename = self.img_file_format.format(self.customize_theme, "{:02d}".format(file_num),,".png"
# Create SVG
if (self.createSVG(, TEMP_DIR+new_filename)):
# convert from SVG to png using ImageMagick convert (must be installed) only if create SVG was successful, IMAGE_DIR+new_png_filename), shell=True)
# Update main screen
def updateMain(self, keyboard):
if (self.game_controls.isPressed(keyboard,'up')):
self.selected_row = 0
self.selected_col = self.checkColPos(self.selected_col, self.selected_row)
if (self.game_controls.isPressed(keyboard,'down')):
self.selected_row = 1
self.selected_col = self.checkColPos(self.selected_col, self.selected_row)
if (self.game_controls.isPressed(keyboard,'right')):
self.selected_col = self.checkColPos(self.selected_col + 1, self.selected_row)
if (self.game_controls.isPressed(keyboard,'left')):
self.selected_col = self.checkColPos(self.selected_col - 1, self.selected_row)
if (self.game_controls.isOrPressed(keyboard,['jump','duck'])):
# If pressed on top row then update theme
if (self.selected_row == 0):
(self.theme, self.theme_num) = self.current_themes[self.selected_col]
# If pressed on second row then customize theme
elif (self.selected_row == 1):
# Reset position
self.selected_row_custom = 0
self.selected_colour_custom = -1
self.customize_theme = self.available_themes[self.selected_col]
self.status = STATUS_CUSTOM
self.preview = Actor (self.img_file_format.format(self.customize_theme, "00", "down", "01"), (700,150))
return 'character'
return 'menu'
# Checks to see if col is too far left or right and returns nearest safe pos
def checkColPos (self, col_pos, row_pos):
# Too far left is same either case return 0
if (col_pos < 0):
return 0
# Top row
if (row_pos == 0):
if (col_pos >= len(self.current_themes)):
return (len(self.current_themes) -1)
elif (col_pos >= self.char_left_pos + 7 and self.char_left_pos < len(self.current_themes) - 6):
self.char_left_pos += 1
elif (col_pos <= self.char_left_pos and self.char_left_pos > 0):
self.char_left_pos -= 1
elif (row_pos == 1):
if (col_pos >= len(self.available_themes)):
return (len(self.available_themes) -1)
return col_pos
def mouse_move (self,pos):
def mouse_click (self,pos):
if (self.pause_timer.getTimeRemaining() > 0):
if (self.status == STATUS_MAIN):
# cycle through different images checking for collision
for i in range (0,len(self.current_theme_actors)):
if (self.current_theme_actors[i].collidepoint(pos)):
self.selected_row = 0
self.selected_col = i
self.status = STATUS_CLICKED
for i in range (0,len(self.available_theme_actors)):
if (self.available_theme_actors[i].collidepoint(pos)):
self.selected_row = 1
self.selected_col = i
self.status = STATUS_CLICKED
def select(self):
def getTheme(self):
return (self.theme, self.theme_num)
# Get next available number for this theme
# Iterates through permutations of files looking for next one that doesn't exist
def findNextNumber(self,theme):
# create new format string with just number missing - needs .png extension
player_img_format_num = IMAGE_DIR+self.img_file_format.format(theme,"{:02d}","down","01")+".png"
# Check for this incrementing one each time
for i in range (1,100):
if (not os.path.isfile(player_img_format_num.format(i))):
return i
# Unlikely to ever reach this - 100 entries for a single theme
return 0
# Create SVG based on original, creating new file
# Uses self.theme_config to get details of what colours need to be mapped to new colours
def createSVG (self, original_file, new_file):
new_colours = self.theme_config.getCustomColours()
with open(original_file, "r") as infile:
with open(new_file, "w") as outfile:
for line in infile:
outline = line
for key,value in new_colours.items():
# Uses replace method to swap colour for the new colour
# If we have a match then leave
this_def_colour_tuple = self.theme_config.getDefaultColour(key)
this_def_colour = "({},{},{})".format(this_def_colour_tuple[0], this_def_colour_tuple[1], this_def_colour_tuple[2])
if (outline.find(this_def_colour) != -1):
this_colour = "({},{},{})".format(new_colours[key][0], new_colours[key][1], new_colours[key][2])
outline = line.replace(this_def_colour, this_colour)
# Exit the loop so as not to swap multiple times
return True
except Exception as e:
print ("Error creating new config file")
print (e)
return False
# Handles Custom Controller Menu
# Status values
class CustomControls:
menu_spacing = 35 # distance between menu items
top_spacing = 20 # distance between top of menu and start of menu
left_spacing = 20 # distance between left and text for page text / command text
menu_font_size = 32 # size of font for menu items
status = STATUS_MENU # Track whether to display menu or in menu etc.
# Requires width and height - these can be the same as the screen or smaller if need to constrain menu
# Offset and border determine distance from origin of screen and any fixed area to avoid respectively
def __init__(self, game_controls, width=800, height=600, offset=(0,0), border=100):
self.game_controls = game_controls
self.width = width # width of screen
self.height = height # height of screen
self.offset = offset # tuple x,y for offset from start of screen
self.border = border # single value same for x and y
# Start position of the menu area and size
self.start_pos = (self.offset[0]+self.border, self.offset[1]+self.border)
self.size = (self.width-2*self.start_pos[0], self.height-2*self.start_pos[1])
# Create a menu surface - this involves using pygame surface feature (rather than through pygame zero)
# Allows for more advanced features such as alpha adjustment (partial transparency)
self.menu_surface = Surface(self.size)
# 75% opacity
# Position of rect is 0,0 relative to the surface, not the screen
self.menu_box = Rect((0,0),self.size)
# Uses pygame rect so we can add it to own surface
self.menu_rect = pygame.draw.rect(self.menu_surface , (200,200,200), self.menu_box)
self.menu_pos = 0 # Tracks which menu item is selected
# Timer restrict keyboard movements to prevent multiple presses
self.menu_timer = Timer(0.12)
# Updates the menu items - run this whenever the menu changes
def updateMenuItems(self):
self.menu_items = []
# Store keys in an array to fix order and make easier to identify selected key
for this_key in self.game_controls.getKeys():
self.menu_items.append(MenuItem(this_key+" ("+str(self.game_controls.getKeyString(this_key))+")", this_key, 'control'))
# Dummy entry - blank line
# Last Menu item is to save and return
self.menu_items.append(MenuItem("Save settings", 'save', 'menu'))
# Update menu based on keyboard direction
# If return is 'controls' then still in custon controls, so don't update anything else
# If return is 'menu' then return to main game menu
def update(self, keyboard):
# Handle erquest for new key
if (self.status == STATUS_CUSTOM_KEY and self.menu_timer.getTimeRemaining() <= 0):
keycode = self.checkKey(keyboard)
if (keycode != None):
self.game_controls.setKey(self.selected_key, keycode)
self.status = STATUS_MENU
return 'controls'
# check if status is clicked - which means mouse was pressed on a valid entry
if (self.status == STATUS_CLICKED):
self.selected_key = self.menu_items[self.menu_pos].getCommand()
self.status = STATUS_CUSTOM_KEY
# check if we are in menu timer in which case return until expired
elif (self.menu_timer.getTimeRemaining() > 0):
return 'controls'
elif (self.game_controls.isPressed(keyboard,'up') and self.menu_pos>0):
if (self.status == STATUS_MENU):
self.menu_pos -= 1
elif (self.game_controls.isPressed(keyboard,'down') and self.menu_pos<len(self.menu_items)-1):
if (self.status == STATUS_MENU):
self.menu_pos += 1
elif (self.game_controls.isOrPressed(keyboard,['jump','duck'])):
if (self.status == STATUS_MENU):
self.selected_key = self.menu_items[self.menu_pos].getCommand()
# special case where selected_key is the save option
if (self.selected_key == 'save'):
# Save the controls
return 'menu'
# Another special case - blank entry used as a spacer
# Ignore and continue with custom controls menu
elif (self.selected_key == ''):
return 'controls'
self.status = STATUS_CUSTOM_KEY
elif (self.game_controls.isPressed(keyboard,'escape')):
return 'menu'
return 'controls'
# Checks pygame event queue for last key pressed
def checkKey(self, keyboard):
# Check all keycodes to see if any are high
for this_code in keycodes:
if (keyboard[this_code]):
return this_code
return None
def draw(self, screen):
# Create a rectangle across the area - provides transparancy
# draw directly onto the screen draw surface (transparency doesn't apply)
if (self.status == STATUS_MENU):
elif (self.status == STATUS_CUSTOM_KEY):
def drawCustom(self, screen):
screen.draw.text("Press custom key for "+self.selected_key, fontsize=self.menu_font_size, midtop=(self.width/2,self.offset[1]+self.border+(self.menu_spacing)+self.top_spacing), color=(0,0,0))
def drawMenu(self, screen):
for menu_num in range (0,len(self.menu_items)):
if (menu_num == self.menu_pos):
background_color = (255,255,255)
background_color = None
screen.draw.text(self.menu_items[menu_num].getText(), fontsize=self.menu_font_size, midtop=(self.width/2,self.offset[1]+self.border+(self.menu_spacing*menu_num)+self.top_spacing), color=(0,0,0), background=background_color)
def mouse_move(self, pos):
if (self.status == STATUS_MENU):
return_val = self.get_mouse_menu_pos(pos)
if return_val != -1:
self.menu_pos = return_val
def mouse_click(self, pos):
if (self.status == STATUS_MENU):
return_val = self.get_mouse_menu_pos(pos)
if return_val != -1:
self.menu_pos = return_val
self.status = STATUS_CLICKED
# If click from text page then return to menu
elif (self.status == STATUS_PAGE):
self.status = STATUS_MENU
def select(self):
def reset(self):
self.menu_pos = 0
self.status = STATUS_MENU
# Checks if mouse is over menu and if so returns menu position
# Otherwise returns -1
def get_mouse_menu_pos (self, pos):
if (pos[0] > self.start_pos[0] and pos[1] > self.start_pos[1] + self.top_spacing and pos[0] < self.start_pos[0] + self.size[0] and pos[1] < self.start_pos[1] + self.size[1]):
start_y = self.start_pos[1] + self.top_spacing
for this_menu_pos in range(0,len(self.menu_items)):
if (pos[1] - start_y >= this_menu_pos * self.menu_spacing and pos[1] - start_y <= (this_menu_pos * self.menu_spacing)+self.menu_spacing):
return this_menu_pos
# If not returned then not over menu
return -1
# Need to use RETURN in pgzero keyboard - whilst waiting for fix under pgzero #134 to filter through
# Disable depreceation warnings
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning)
WIDTH = 800
HEIGHT = 600
TITLE = "Compass Game"
# Unlike other images in pgzero ICON needs to have the file extension
ICON = "icon.png"
# Filename format - uses python format to add appropriate values
# Variables are: theme (eg. boy/girl), character_number (00=default), direction (down=default), seq_num / step count (01 = default)
#Images for player in each direction - does not include final digit which is the image number
#All must have 4 images ending with 1 to 4, except for jump and duck which only ends with 1
# 'down', 'up', 'left', 'right', 'jump', 'duck'
#For this game jump is used, but is represented as reading a map
# PLAYER_TEXT_IMG_FORMAT - formats strings, PLAYER_TEXT_FORMAT is the same, but converts numbers for 2nd and 4th entries
PLAYER_TEXT_IMG_FORMAT = "person_{}_{}_{}_{}"
# Not a constant, but won't change after this.
player_img_format = PLAYER_TEXT_IMG_FORMAT.format("{}","{:02d}","{}","{:02d}")
# Same background can be applied for each level or one per level - if only some have backgrounds then the last one is used for all subsequent levels
# background 00 is used by the menu
# eg. person_default_01_forward_01
BACKGROUND_IMG_FORMAT = "background_{:02d}"
# The number of levels that have background images - if 0 then uses default of 00)
# Obstacles - if prefer one to be more common then needs to be duplicated (eg. 2 x identical images more likely than 1)
OBSTACLE_IMG_FORMAT = "obstacle_{:02d}"
# The number of obstacles - starts at 01
# File holding high score
HIGH_SCORE_FILENAME = 'compassgame_score.dat'
# File holding custom controls
CUSTOM_CONTROL_FILENAME = 'compassgame_controls.dat'
#Dictionary with messages to show to user for action to carry out
action_text = {'north':'Go north', 'south':'Go south',
'east':'Go east', 'west':'Go west',
'duck':'Quick duck!', 'jump':'Check the map'}
# Track Status etc
game_status = GamePlay(action_text)
# Handles key interaction
game_controls = GameControls(CUSTOM_CONTROL_FILENAME)
# Track high score
high_score = HighScore(game_controls, HIGH_SCORE_FILENAME)
# These are used for the menu sub commands - must be classes
# Must implement show() display() mouse_move() and mouse_click() select()
sub_commands = {
'character' : CustomCharacter(game_controls, PLAYER_TEXT_IMG_FORMAT),
'controls' : CustomControls(game_controls, WIDTH, HEIGHT),
'highscore' : high_score
# allows different character looks - must come after the sub_commands are defined
(theme, theme_num) = sub_commands['character'].getTheme()
# Player - baseed on PlayActor which inherits from Actor
player = PlayerActor(theme, theme_num, player_img_format, WIDTH,HEIGHT)
#Obstacles - these are actors, but stationary ones - default positions
obstacles = []
# Positions to place obstacles Tuples: (x,y)
obstacle_positions = [(200,200), (400, 400), (500,500), (80,120), (700, 150), (750,540), (200,550), (60,320), (730, 290), (390,170), (420,500) ]
menu = GameMenu(game_controls, WIDTH,HEIGHT)
#Rectangles for compass points for collision detection to ensure player is in correct position
box_size = 50
north_box = Rect((0, 0), (WIDTH, box_size))
east_box = Rect((WIDTH-box_size, 0), (WIDTH, HEIGHT))
south_box = Rect((0, HEIGHT-box_size), (WIDTH, HEIGHT))
west_box = Rect((0, 0), (box_size, HEIGHT))
def draw():
# Check for sub command first as they use own background image
if (game_status.isSubCommand()):
# Draw background
screen.blit(get_background_img(game_status.getLevel()), (0,0))
if (game_status.isGameOver() or game_status.isShowScore()):
screen.draw.text("Game Over\nScore "+str(game_status.getScore()), fontsize=60, center=(WIDTH/2,200), color=(89,6,13))
high_score.showScores(screen, (200,270))
if (game_status.isMenu()):
elif (game_status.isTitleScreen()):
# If want anything on title screen insert here
# Must exist with pass if nothing else
elif (game_status.isShowScore()):
time_remaining_secs = math.floor(game_status.getTimeRemaining())
screen.draw.text('Time: '+str(time_remaining_secs), fontsize=60, center=(100,50), shadow=(1,1), color=(255,255,255), scolor="#202020")
screen.draw.text('Score '+str(game_status.getScore()), fontsize=60, center=(WIDTH-130,50), shadow=(1,1), color=(255,255,255), scolor="#202020")
# Only show state if not timer paused
if (not game_status.isTimerPause()):
screen.draw.text(game_status.getStateString(), fontsize=60, center=(WIDTH/2,50), shadow=(1,1), color=(255,255,255), scolor="#202020")
# Draw obstacles
for i in range (0,len(obstacles)):
# If want a message over the top of the screen then add here (eg. pause / level up)
if (game_status.getGameMessage() != ""):
screen.draw.text(game_status.getGameMessage(), fontsize=60, center=(WIDTH/2,HEIGHT/2), shadow=(1,1), color=(255,255,255), scolor="#202020")
def update():
# Check for pause status if so only look for key press
if (game_status.isUserPause()):
# duck or jump to unpause (if want to use p button would need to add delay to prevent rapid toggling)
if (game_control.isOrPressed(keyboard, ['jump', 'duck'])):
# Check for timer pause - if so return until expired
if (game_status.isTimerPause()):
# Reset message after timer finished
if game_status.isTitleScreen():
# first_run prevents timer
game_status.setMenu(first_run = True)
# Call menu update function, if return is not 0 then continue with rest of updates
# If return is 0 then still in menu, so don't update anything else
# If negative then quit the application
if (game_status.isMenu()):
result = menu.update(keyboard)
if (result == 'menu'):
# Still in menu (displayed through show())
elif (result == 'quit' ):
elif (result == 'start' ):
# Otherwise likely to be subcommand
elif result in sub_commands:
# Starts the timer
if (game_status.isSubCommand()):
result = sub_commands[game_status.getSubCommand()].update(keyboard)
if result == 'menu':
# Update any settings that may have changed
# Any other return and we stay where we are
if (game_status.isGameOver()):
if high_score.checkHighScore(game_status.getScore()) :
# If status is not running then we give option to start or quit
if (game_status.isNewGame() or game_status.isScoreShown()):
# Display instructions (in draw() rather than here)
if (game_controls.isPressed(keyboard, 'escape')):
# If jump / duck then go to menu
if (game_controls.isOrPressed(keyboard, ['jump', 'duck'])):
# Reset player and game including score
# Reset number of obstacles etc.
if (game_status.isGameRunning and game_status.getTimeRemaining() < 1):
# Has player hit an obstacle?
if (hit_obstacle()):
def on_mouse_move(pos):
if (game_status.isMenu()):
def on_mouse_down(pos, button):
# Only look for left button
if (button != mouse.LEFT):
if (game_status.isMenu()):
# If status waiting on click to go to menu allow this to be mouse
if (game_status.isNewGame() or game_status.isScoreShown()):
# Reset player including score
# Reset number of obstacles etc.
# If sub command pass on to command
if (game_status.isSubCommand()):
# Checks if target readhed, if so add score, see if level required
def check_position():
# Determine if player has reached where they should be
if (reach_target(game_status.getCurrentMove())):
current_level = game_status.getLevel()
new_level = game_status.scorePoint()
# If level changed when adding point
if (current_level != new_level):
#Move player back to center for level up
game_status.setGameMessage("Level Up!\n"+str(new_level))
# Actions based on keyboard press (includes joystick / buttons on picade)
def handle_keyboard():
# Check for direction keys pressed
# Can have multiple pressed in which case we move in all the directions
# The last one in the order below is set as the direction to determine the
# image to use
new_direction = ''
# Check for pause button first
if (game_controls.isPressed(keyboard,'pause')):
# Duck or Jump - don't move character, but change image
# Allow two different keys for both these
if (game_controls.isPressed(keyboard, 'duck')):
new_direction = 'duck'
elif (game_controls.isPressed(keyboard, 'jump')):
new_direction = 'jump'
# Only handle direction buttons if duck or jump have not been selected (prevent ducking constantly and moving)
if (game_controls.isPressed(keyboard,'up')):
new_direction = 'up'
if (game_controls.isPressed(keyboard,'down')):
new_direction = 'down'
if (game_controls.isPressed(keyboard,'left')) :
new_direction = 'left'
if (game_controls.isPressed(keyboard,'right')) :
new_direction = 'right'
# Also check for jump / duck being deselected as we need to move back to a normal position
if (player.isJumpDuck() and new_direction == ''):
# move to default down direction
# If new direction is not "" then we have a move button pressed
# so set appropriate image
if (new_direction != ""):
# Set image based on new_direction
# Determine if the player has reached target
# Can be either certain position on screen (Rects defined earlier) or duck / map(jump)
def reach_target(target_pos):
if (target_pos == 'north'):
if (player.colliderect(north_box)): return True
else: return False
elif (target_pos == 'south'):
if (player.colliderect(south_box)): return True
else: return False
elif (target_pos == 'east'):
if (player.colliderect(east_box)): return True
else: return False
elif (target_pos == 'west'):
if (player.colliderect(west_box)): return True
else: return False
# These are just based on the direction of the player (ie. are they ducking / reading the map (jump))
elif (target_pos == player.getDirection()):
return True
# If none of above met then False
return False
# Set new level by setting correct background and adding appropriate obstacles to list
def set_level_display(level_number):
global obstacles
game_level = level_number
# Delete current obstacles
obstacles = []
# Start adding obstacles from level 3
if (level_number < 3):
# Max we can have is the number of obstacle_positions
for i in range (0,len(obstacle_positions)):
# quit when we have reached correct number for this level (equal to the level number -2 so first level with obstacles is level 3 with 2)
if (i > (level_number - 2)):
obstacles.append(Actor(OBSTACLE_IMG_FORMAT.format(random.randint(0,OBSTACLE_NUM_IMGS)), obstacle_positions[i]))
def hit_obstacle():
for i in range (0,len(obstacles)):
if player.colliderect(obstacles[i]):
return True
return False
# Gets background image (filename - excluding ext) based on format (if not enough then return last one)
def get_background_img(game_level):
# If level higher than num images return last entry
if game_level > BACKGROUND_NUM_IMGS:
return BACKGROUND_IMG_FORMAT.format(game_level)
# Update any settings that may have changed during a menu operation
def refreshSettings():