Retro Gaming with Raspberry Pi 2nd Edition, pages 78 - 83.
Retro Gaming with Raspberry Pi, pages 48 - 53.
Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported.
Original Python code
from random import randint
import pgzrun
WIDTH = 700 # Width of window
HEIGHT = 800 # Height of window
car = Actor("racecar") # Load in the car Actor image
car.pos = 250, 700 # Set the car screen position
trackCount = 0
trackPosition = 250
trackWidth = 120
trackDirection = False
trackLeft = [] # list of track barriers left
trackRight = [] # list of track barriers right
gameStatus = 0
def draw(): # Pygame Zero draw function
global gameStatus
screen.fill((128, 128, 128))
if gameStatus == 0:
b = 0
while b < len(trackLeft):
b += 1
if gameStatus == 1:
# Red Flag
screen.blit('rflag', (318, 268))
if gameStatus == 2:
# Chequered Flag
screen.blit('cflag', (318, 268))
def update(): # Pygame Zero update function
global gameStatus , trackCount
if gameStatus == 0:
if keyboard.left: car.x -= 2
if keyboard.right: car.x += 2
if trackCount > 200: gameStatus = 2 # Chequered flag state
def makeTrack(): # Function to make a new section of track
global trackCount, trackLeft, trackRight, trackPosition, trackWidth
trackLeft.append(Actor("barrier", pos = (trackPosition-trackWidth,0)))
trackRight.append(Actor("barrier", pos = (trackPosition+trackWidth,0)))
trackCount += 1
def updateTrack(): # Function to update where the track blocks appear
global trackCount, trackPosition, trackDirection, trackWidth, gameStatus
b = 0
while b < len(trackLeft):
if car.colliderect(trackLeft[b]) or car.colliderect(trackRight[b]):
gameStatus = 1 # Red flag state
trackLeft[b].y += SPEED
trackRight[b].y += SPEED
b += 1
if trackLeft[len(trackLeft)-1].y > 32:
if trackDirection == False: trackPosition += 16
if trackDirection == True: trackPosition -= 16
if randint(0, 4) == 1: trackDirection = not trackDirection
if trackPosition > 700-trackWidth: trackDirection = True
if trackPosition < trackWidth: trackDirection = False
# End of functions
makeTrack() # Make first block of track