
The game screen appears here if your browser supports the Canvas API.


Retro Gaming with Raspberry Pi, pages 106 - 111.

Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported.

Original Python code

import pgzrun
import json
import os

def loadmap(mp):
    with open(mp) as json_data:
        d = json.load(json_data)
    mapdata = {"width":d["width"], "height":d["height"]}
    rawdata = d["layers"][0]["data"]
    mapdata["data"] = []
    for x in range(0, mapdata["width"]):
        st = x*mapdata["width"]

    tileset = "maps/" + d["tilesets"][0]["source"].replace(".tsx",".json")
    with open(tileset) as json_data:
        t = json.load(json_data)

    mapdata["tiles"] = t["tiles"]
    for tile in range(0,len(mapdata["tiles"])):
        path = mapdata["tiles"][tile]["image"]
        mapdata["tiles"][tile]["image"] = os.path.basename(path)
        mapdata["tiles"][tile]["id"] = mapdata["tiles"][tile]["id"]+1
    return mapdata

player = {"x":3, "y":3, "frame":0, "sx":0, "sy":96,
          "moveX":0, "moveY":0, "queueX":0, "queueY":0,
          "moveDone":True, "movingNow":False, "animCounter":0}
timer = 0
mazeSolved = False

mapData = loadmap("maps/map1.json")

def draw(): # Pygame Zero draw function
    screen.fill((0, 0, 0))
    screen.blit('title', (0, 0))
    screen.draw.text("TIME: "+str(timer) , topleft=(20, 80), owidth=0.5, ocolor=(255,255,0), color=(255,0,0) , fontsize=60)
    if mazeSolved:
        screen.draw.text("MAZE SOLVED in " + str(timer) + " seconds!" , center=(400, 450), owidth=0.5, ocolor=(0,0,0), color=(0,255,0) , fontsize=60)

def update(): # Pygame Zero update function
    global player, timer
    if player["moveDone"] == True:
        if keyboard.left: doMove(player, -1, 0)
        if keyboard.right: doMove(player, 1, 0)
        if keyboard.up: doMove(player, 0, -1)
        if keyboard.down: doMove(player, 0, 1)

def timerTick():
    global timer
    if not mazeSolved:
        timer += 1

def drawMap():
    psx = OFFSETX
    psy = OFFSETY-32
    mx = psx - player["sx"]
    my = psy - player["sy"]+32

    for x in range(player["x"]-12, player["x"]+16):
        for y in range(player["y"]-12, player["y"]+16):
            if onMap(x,y):
                b = mapData["data"][y][x]
                td = findData(mapData["tiles"], "id", b)
                block = td["image"]
                bheight =  td["imageheight"]-34
                bx = (x*32)-(y*32) + mx
                by = (y*16)+(x*16) + my
                if -32 <= bx < 800 and 100 <= by < 620:
                    screen.blit(block, (bx, by - bheight))
                if x == player["x"] and y == player["y"]:
                    screen.blit("ball"+str(player["frame"]), (psx, psy))

def findData(lst, key, value):
    for i, dic in enumerate(lst):
        if dic[key] == value:
            return dic
    return -1

def onMap(x,y):
    if 0 <= x < mapData["width"] and 0 <= y < mapData["height"]:
        return True
    return False

def doMove(p, x, y):
    global mazeSolved
    if onMap(p["x"]+x, p["y"]+y):
        mt = mapData["data"][p["y"]+y][p["x"]+x]
        if mt == 1 or mt == 3:
            p.update({"queueX":x, "queueY":y, "moveDone":False})
            if mt == 3:
                mazeSolved = True

def updateBall(p):
    if p["movingNow"]:
        if p["moveX"] == -1: moveP(p,-1,-0.5)
        if p["moveX"] == 1: moveP(p,1,0.5)
        if p["moveY"] == -1: moveP(p,1,-0.5)
        if p["moveY"] == 1: moveP(p,-1,0.5)
    p["animCounter"] += 1
    if p["animCounter"] == 4:
        p["animCounter"] = 0
        p["frame"] += 1
        if p["frame"] > 7:
            p["frame"] = 0
        if p["frame"] == 4:
            if p["moveDone"] == False:
                if p["queueX"] != 0 or p["queueY"] !=0:
                    p.update({"moveX":p["queueX"], "moveY":p["queueY"], "queueX":0, "queueY":0, "movingNow": True})
                p.update({"moveDone":True, "moveX":0, "moveY":0, "movingNow":False})

        if p["frame"] == 7 and p["moveDone"] == False and p["movingNow"] == True:
            p["x"] += p["moveX"]
            p["y"] += p["moveY"]
            p["moveDone"] = True

def moveP(p,x,y):
    p["sx"] += x
    p["sy"] += y

clock.schedule_interval(timerTick, 1.0)